#Datblygu - Santes Dwynwen o’r Elsey
Traciau digidol ar gael o’r trydydd disg Terfysgiaeth
"Curadur" dan ofal Pat Morgan, #Datblygu
Hwn yn cynnwys cyfweliadau efo David a Pat #Datblygu dw i erioed wedi gweld o'r blaen. Eddie Ladd sy'n cyflwyno Y Felin Bop.
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
🎵 Santa a Barbara
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #Datblygu
RT @bennettlucyk@twitter.com
Really enjoyed this new article on the brilliant Welsh band #Datblygu in @NationCymru@twitter.com. A really rich account of the band, their history & their new best of compilation.
"The ‘non-conforming non-conformists'" by Christoper Evans: https://nation.cymru/culture/the-non-conforming-non-conformists/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bennettlucyk/status/1615444431510855682
RT @bennettlucyk@twitter.com
Really enjoyed this new article on the brilliant Welsh band #Datblygu in @NationCymru@twitter.com. A really rich account of the band, their history & their new best of compilation.
"The ‘non-conforming non-conformists'" by Christoper Evans: https://nation.cymru/culture/the-non-conforming-non-conformists/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bennettlucyk/status/1615444431510855682
Mae @gisellagz yn ffan mawr #Datblygu, sy wedi #dysguCymraeg, ac sy’n byw yn Yr Eidal. Mae hi’n rhan o’r tîm wnaeth “This Film Should Not Exist”, am y band ôl-pync o’r Alban, The #CountryTeasers, sy’n cynnwys cyfweliadau gwych gyda Pat a David.
Dyw hi ddim nabod lot o bobl ar Mastodon, druan.
#countryteasers #dysgucymraeg #Datblygu
@JoannRandles ah, Matt from #TangledParrot - I'll have to try my Cymraeg on him next time I'm in. #Datblygu and the whole welsh music scene is partly why I'm learning...
Also, WelshLanguage Music Day 10th Feb 2023, if you wanted to pitch something, dunno how it works ;-)
Fy tŵt cyntaf. #dysgucymraeg #datblygu #leedsunited #GuidedByVoices #gbv
#GBV #GuidedByVoices #LeedsUnited #Datblygu #dysgucymraeg
Cwm Gwagle by #Datblygu https://open.spotify.com/album/7hZT4hLR2hr7cmCdeeiiof?si=hff6CNHDRXO5PbjQ1eBcxg #NowPlaying #NP