THE BOB NEWHART SHOW creators #LorenzoMusic (1937-2001) and #DavidDavis (1936-2022) w/ the cast in 1972.
#bobnewhart #1970s #1970stv #classictv #DavidDavis #lorenzomusic
“Lorenzo is always hilarious. He had a distinctive comedy style.”
— James L. Brooks
#LorenzoMusic (1937-2001) would have been 86 today.
With partner #DavidDavis, he wrote MARY TYLER MOORE + co-created BOB NEWHART and RHODA (and voiced Carlton the Doorman).
#BornOnThisDay #ClassicTV #1970sTV #1970s #MaryTylerMoore #BobNewhart #Rhoda
#rhoda #bobnewhart #marytylermoore #1970s #1970stv #classictv #bornonthisday #DavidDavis #lorenzomusic
#peston #davidDavis say #Raaaaaaab used to work for him & was popular
#jessPhillips points out #24 complaints of bullying are unlikely to be unfounded
#Peston #DavidDavis #raaaaaaab #JessPhillips
“We haven’t seen any economic benefit for having left the EU,” Mr Davis replied: “No major ones.”
He pointed to “minor ones” such as the UK beginning delivery of Covid vaccines in 2020 before the rest of Europe – although it is strongly disputed that this was a Brexit freedom.
Mr Davis went on: “There’ll be more of that. You will see our medical based industries and our software based industries grow significantly.”