Today on the 3d anniversary of #DavidGraeber’s passing, this important lecture by #davidwengrow . It’s is coming up in just a couple of hours on 7:30 PM (Amsterdam, Berlin,...)
Register at:
key sentence in BBC Future article by A. Saini: “How did patriarchy actually begin?” IMO is:
"...though, there is nothing in our nature that says we can't live differently. A society made by humans can also be remade by humans. "
and as further reading I HIGHLY recommend again:
The #DawnofEverything
A New History of Humanity
Author: #DavidGraeber and #DavidWengrow
#davidwengrow #DavidGraeber #DawnOfEverything
key sentence IMO is: "...though, there is nothing in our nature that says we can't live differently. A society made by humans can also be remade by humans. "
and as further reading I recommend again:
The #DawnofEverything
A New History of Humanity
Author: #DavidGraeber and #DavidWengrow
#davidwengrow #DavidGraeber #DawnOfEverything
celebrate the weekend (whenever that falls for you - & i hope it does) by listening to the srsly wrong podcast interview david graeber.
#davidGraeber #bullshitJobs #anticapitalism
#anticapitalism #bullshitjobs #DavidGraeber
O que é verdade é que o segundo capítulo de The Dawn of Everything, escrito pelo Graeber, poderia ter sido esta referência sobre o escrita no ano 1922 pelo movimento de Oswaldo de Andrade.
Enorme desilusão aquele livro do Graeber e Wengrow.
#oswaldodeandrade #arqueologia #DavidGraeber #antropologia
O que é verdade é que o segundo capítulo de The Dawn of Everything, escrito pelo Graeber, poderia ter sido esta referência sobre o escrita no ano 1922 pelo movimento de Oswaldo de Andrade.
Enorme desilusão aquele livro do Graeber e Wengrow.
#oswaldodeandrade #arqueologia #DavidGraeber #antropologia
"Our society is addicted to work. If there’s anything left and right both seem to agree on, it’s that jobs are good. Everyone should have a job."
"The system makes no sense. It’s also destroying the planet." #davidgraeber