"Das genaue Gegenteil eines typischen #DavidLynch-Films: eine schnörkellos erzählte Geschichte über die Reise eines alten Mannes...Diese Reise wird zu einem langen Abenteuer voller denkwürdiger Begegnungen und Entdeckungen. Mit seiner Ruhe, Offenheit und Weisheit ist Alvin ein willkommener Gesprächspartner für die oft unerfahreneren Menschen, denen er begegnet. Aber auch für Alvin bedeutet die Reise eine Erfahrung unglaublicher Menschlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft."
#Buchtipp von der @Filmuni (#Filmuniversität #Babelsberg): #DavidLynchs »#MulhollandDrive« verstehen: Eine Dissertation von Christine Lang. (Falls jemand ein Geschenk für mich suchen sollte ;)
#buchtipp #filmuniversitat #babelsberg #DavidLynch #mulhollanddrive
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #SoundOfCinema
David Lynch & David Lynch:
🎵 Inland Empire "Ghost of Love"
#nowplaying #SoundOfCinema #DavidLynch
Anyone seen this? I was digging through my harddrive, and found this squirreled away. I apparently downloaded it from youtube, and never watched it til today. It's... Something...
hoy, hace 33 años, escuchábamos esta icónica frase por primera vez y desde entonces nos adentraríamos en un mundo tan maravilloso como extraño; feliz aniversario a la mejor serie de la historia, aquella que cambió a la TV, al cine y a la cultura del siglo XX para siempre: #TwinPeaks, creada por #MarkFrost y #DavidLynch cc/ @MarkFrost
#twinpeaks #markfrost #DavidLynch
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #LoseYourselfWith
David Lynch & Alan R. Splet:
🎵 In Heaven (Lady In The Radiator)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #LoseYourselfWith #DavidLynch #alanrsplet
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #MorningShow
David Lynch & Alan R. Splet:
🎵 In Heaven (Lady in the Radiator Song)
#nowplaying #kexp #morningshow #DavidLynch #alanrsplet
#FilmNoirFriday #NeoNoir #TwinPeaks #TwinPeaksDay #LauraPalmer #DavidLynch 🥧 💀 🍩 🥧🪵🍩🦉https://boxd.it/2V7jJx
#filmnoirfriday #neonoir #twinpeaks #twinpeaksday #laurapalmer #DavidLynch
David Lynch is one of my most favourite people going, and this is a wonderful tribute to the guy.
#DavidLynch #twinpeaks #movie #film
CANDID CAMERA: For anyone raised on a diet of #StevenSpielberg movies, #TheFabelmans with #GabrielLaBelle #MichelleWilliams & #PaulDano should be a must watch. Pomona celebrates a movie that reveals the forces that made Spielberg the director he is today. https://loveitinpomona.blogspot.com/2023/02/candid-camera-fablemans.html #hollywood #fablemans #cinema #entertainment #biographical #film #newjersey #arizona #california #davidlynch #sethrogen #johnford #cinematography #movies #cameras #editing #westerns #horror #family #warfilms #creativity
#stevenspielberg #thefabelmans #gabriellabelle #michellewilliams #pauldano #hollywood #fablemans #cinema #entertainment #biographical #film #newjersey #arizona #california #DavidLynch #sethrogen #johnford #cinematography #movies #cameras #editing #westerns #horror #family #warfilms #creativity
Goodnight, good people. I leave you with The Lady in the Radiator singing “In Heaven, Everything is Fine” from David Lynch’s first film, Eraserhead. If you haven’t seen it … well, you’ll just have to see it.
#Eraserhead #DavidLynch #AmericanSurrealism #avant-garde #1970sFilm
#eraserhead #DavidLynch #americansurrealism #avant #1970sfilm
🎞️ Just watched the 1943 experimental short that inspired David Lynch’s Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive - Maya Deren’s ‘Meshes of the Afternoon.’
A cinematically disorientating and surreal 14mins, exploring the protagonist’s internal world, its processes and symbolisms through a dream. An interesting piece, and not difficult to see how it inspired Lynch’s signature style.
So if art-house noir or psych-film analysis is your thing, worth a watch.
#film #MayaDeren #DavidLynch #cinema #Arthouse