I listened to this #CBC #podcast on my walk this morning. From a 1999 show by #DavidSuzuki Well worth another listen.
Beaverton: 5 subtle ways to let people know you’re not American while travelling abroad https://www.thebeaverton.com/2023/07/5-subtle-ways-to-let-people-know-youre-not-american-while-travelling-abroad/ #satire #canada #commentary #tragicallyhip #FeaturedPost #metricsystem #DavidSuzuki #DonCherry #MuchMusic #Beavfeed #American #Canadian #travel #list
#satire #Canada #commentary #tragicallyhip #FeaturedPost #metricsystem #DavidSuzuki #doncherry #muchmusic #Beavfeed #american #canadian #travel #list
The Tyee: All the Lust You Cannot See (in Culture) https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/03/06/Bug-Sex-In-New-Nature-Film/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #AndrewMasonUniversityofToronto #IsabellaRosselliniGreenPorno #AndrewGreggBugSex #BugSexdocumentary #MaydianneAndrade #AnitaAisenberg #CatherineScott #HintonAlberta #Dr.LishaShao #DavidSuzuki #MarleneZuk
#BCNews #TheTyee #andrewmasonuniversityoftoronto #isabellarossellinigreenporno #andrewgreggbugsex #bugsexdocumentary #maydianneandrade #anitaaisenberg #catherinescott #hintonalberta #Dr #DavidSuzuki #marlenezuk
The Tyee: ‘I Built a Passive House.’ Meet Tom Grimmer (in Tyee News) https://thetyee.ca/Tyeenews/2022/12/12/Tom-Grimmer-Built-A-Passive-House/ #gaming #tech #BritishjournalistGeorgeMonbiot #CampaignforNuclearDisarmament #ChristopherHitchens #SolutionsJournalism #PassiveHousedesign #GeorgeMonbiotHeat #TheTyeeBuilders #RonaldReagan #SeymourHersh #DavidSuzuki #I.F.Stone
#Gaming #Tech #BritishjournalistGeorgeMonbiot #CampaignforNuclearDisarmament #ChristopherHitchens #SolutionsJournalism #PassiveHousedesign #GeorgeMonbiotHeat #TheTyeeBuilders #RonaldReagan #SeymourHersh #DavidSuzuki #i
The Tyee: ‘I Built a Passive House.’ Meet Tom Grimmer (in Tyee News) https://thetyee.ca/Tyeenews/2022/12/12/Tom-Grimmer-Built-A-Passive-House/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #BritishjournalistGeorgeMonbiot #CampaignforNuclearDisarmament #ChristopherHitchens #SolutionsJournalism #PassiveHousedesign #GeorgeMonbiotHeat #TheTyeeBuilders #RonaldReagan #SeymourHersh #DavidSuzuki #I.F.Stone
#BCNews #TheTyee #BritishjournalistGeorgeMonbiot #CampaignforNuclearDisarmament #ChristopherHitchens #SolutionsJournalism #PassiveHousedesign #GeorgeMonbiotHeat #TheTyeeBuilders #RonaldReagan #SeymourHersh #DavidSuzuki #i
Meet the new #hosts of #TheNatureOfThings: #SarikaCullisSuzuki and #AnthonyMorgan | CBC Documentaries #DavidSuzuki #nature
#nature #DavidSuzuki #anthonymorgan #sarikacullissuzuki #thenatureofthings #hosts
#DavidSuzuki, #celebrities want to keep you down while living high life: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-suzuki-and-his-celebrity-hypocrites-want-to-keep-you-down-while-living-the-high-life
Science can be abused.
Talk to enviromentalist #DavidSuzuki and you'll realise #science is not always what it says on the label.
An example is #autonomousDrone tech. If one thinks its just "for #Mars" and its not going to benefit the #corporateState totalitarians and #militarizedPolice, pay attention.
Like thousands of military-grade weapons, have dissappeared since 911 (that's from Pentagon reports) these billionaires are a #militaryContactors.
How do we pay for #spaceResearch?
#DavidSuzuki #science #autonomousdrone #mars #corporateState #militarizedPolice #militaryContactors #spaceResearch #freedom
Talk to #enviromentalist #DavidSuzuki. Science is not always what it says on the label.
If one thinks the #autonomousDrone tech they say is for #Mars is not going to benefit the #corporateState totalitarians and #militarizedPolice then pay attention.
Thousands of #military weapons, have gone missing since 911. That's from a #Pentagon Report. #SpaceX is a #militaryContactor.
Quoting an extreme #militaryBudget does not justify #NASA expenditure.
#enviromentalist #DavidSuzuki #autonomousdrone #mars #corporateState #militarizedPolice #military #pentagon #spacex #militaryContactor #militaryBudget #nasa #spacerace #moneyPrinter
@spacekookie @Hiker @noelle
Age based research is particularly bad. Elites put that data into models that are often used engineerConsent and to oppress.
Talk to #DavidSuzuki if you want to know why he stopped doing certain research.
#DavidSuzuki out of #Canada, apparently gave up on doing #scientificResearch when he noticed that his #science was being abused to destroy the #habitat of the #frogs rather than help it.
He has since devoted his life to #environmental #televisionPrograms to teach kids about the wonders of the #naturalWorld. He's also vocal against #populationGrowth, and continuing #urbanSprawl and #consumption.
#DavidSuzuki #canada #scientificResearch #science #habitat #frogs #environmental #televisionPrograms #NaturalWorld #populationGrowth #urbanSprawl #consumption