> 44% of the world’s oceans are experiencing a marine heatwave.
> since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the US has put more carbon into the atmosphere, by far, than any other country. While the new technologies sustained by fossil fuels improved our standard of living, we laid the groundwork for the climate calamity the planet is now experiencing.
#BernieSanders #GlobalWarming #ClimateCrisis #China #TheUSA #NewColdWar #ComingWarOnChina
/HT #DavidSwanson
#DavidSwanson #ComingWarOnChina #newcoldwar #theusa #china #climatecrisis #globalwarming #berniesanders
> Here’s a proposal that could end starvation around the globe. Never again need a human being lack the food to live. Never again need a single child or adult suffer the horrors of starvation. Hunger as a danger to anyone can be made a thing of the past. All that is required, apart from basic skills in distributing resources, is 3 percent of the military budget of #TheUnitedStates, or 1.5 percent of all the #MilitaryBudgets in the world.
#DavidSwanson #WorldBeyondWar
#WorldBeyondWar #DavidSwanson #militarybudgets #theunitedstates
> #ClimateCatastrophe and #NuclearWar are two existential threats that could end human civilization as we know it. Both of these threats have been exacerbated by the ongoing war in Ukraine, but nuclear war could happen at any moment, whether on purpose or by accident. And global carbon emissions continue to rise despite all the many efforts to reduce them... How do we convince the general public to take these threats more seriously? ...
#DavidSwanson #WorldBeyondWar
#WorldBeyondWar #DavidSwanson #nuclearwar #climatecatastrophe
> #ClimateCatastrophe and #NuclearWar are two existential threats that could end human civilization as we know it. Both of these threats have been exacerbated by the ongoing war in Ukraine, but nuclear war could happen at any moment, whether on purpose or by accident. And global carbon emissions continue to rise despite all the many efforts to reduce them... How do we convince the general public to take these threats more seriously? ...
#DavidSwanson #WorldBeyondWar
#WorldBeyondWar #DavidSwanson #nuclearwar #climatecatastrophe
> And you, my brother, of another flag
Join with us without borders or delay
Do not go gentle to a deadly scene
#DavidSwanson got me to a #ThomasHardy poem:
> "I shot him dead because —
Because he was my foe,
Just so: my foe of course he was;
That's clear enough; although
> "He thought he'd 'list, perhaps,
Off-hand like — just as I —
Was out of work — had sold his traps —
No other reason why.
> We're sisters and brothers
> United and strong
> We're here to talk about copaganda
> We don't like what's going on
> It's time for some justice
> It's time for the truth
> We've realized there's
> Only one thing we can do
> You got to say we, we, we,
> We're gonna Stop Cop City
#DavidSwanson with a #Poem on #CopCity
Two Million Dollars to shoot down a balloon? But I guess it was good TV? (Davis Swanson's Twitter Thread through a random nitter site)
#DavidSwanson #BallloonWars #BalloonsAndMissiles #MassHysteria
#masshysteria #BalloonsAndMissiles #BallloonWars #DavidSwanson
Looks like there is a big #NoWar #非戦 event this week. #DavidSwanson and a lot of other people will perform #RageAgainstWar #RageAgainstTheWarMachine.
I wonder if any RATM people will be there?
#RageAgainstTheWarMachine #RageAgainstWar #DavidSwanson #非戦 #nowar
After a re-visit to a link from David Swanson I found the original page and saw the War Lies Bingo sheets. If I had to watch a World Leader speech on TV I guess the bingo sheets would make it less of a waste of time...
In Japan it was #MinakoSaito and #KenjiIsezaki that brought #AnneMorelli and #Porsonby's work to my attention. #斎藤美奈子 #伊勢崎賢治 #戦時の嘘 #WarPropaganda #StateOfTheUnion #DavidSwanson #WarIsALie
#WarIsALie #DavidSwanson #stateoftheunion #warpropaganda #戦時の嘘 #伊勢崎賢治 #斎藤美奈子 #Porsonby #AnneMorelli #KenjiIsezaki #MinakoSaito
> In 2001, a leftwing Belgian philosopher called #AnnMorelli codified the main themes of the pro-war propaganda #Ponsonby had identified into a 10-point list...
#DavidSwanson #WarIsALie
#WarIsALie #DavidSwanson #Ponsonby #AnnMorelli
> I can live with all the replies to the tune of “You idiot, you hate war, but email was invented by the military” because I can both filter them out and auto-reply to them with links to careful explanations of where email came from, why it doesn’t matter, and how much better off we’d be investing in technology through anything other than a mass-murder operation.
> So, stop complaining about your damn emails!
#DavidSwanson on #EMail #InPraiseOfEmail
#InPraiseOfEmail #email #DavidSwanson
> I can live with all the replies to the tune of “You idiot, you hate war, but email was invented by the military” because I can both filter them out and auto-reply to them with links to careful explanations of where email came from, why it doesn’t matter, and how much better off we’d be investing in technology through anything other than a mass-murder operation.
> So, stop complaining about your damn emails!
#DavidSwanson on #EMail #InPraiseOfEmail
#InPraiseOfEmail #email #DavidSwanson
> Every person from #Sinjajevina I have spoken with has told me that they’re not against NATO or Russia or any other entity in particular. They’re just against #war and destruction — and the loss of their home despite the absence of war anywhere near them..They are worrying..[as] rest of us, about.. environmental destruction, .. the risk of nuclear apocalypse.. they are also up against the major boost given to #NATO by the #Russian #invasion.
#Montenegro #DavidSwanson
#DavidSwanson #montenegro #invasion #russian #nato #war #Sinjajevina
@Moon @clacke @strypey The more I think about all this the more I want to re-read #RandolphBourne with his #WarIsTheHealthOfTheState .. In the meantime #DavidSwanson seems to be keeping up his great work.
War Is a Lie: https://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=CB4AF9E994F0DCB16BCC5356F832CFA5
#DavidSwanson #WarIsTheHealthOfTheState #randolphbourne
' Forty years ago, #NuclearApocalypse was a top concern. The risk of it is now higher, but the concern is gone. So, this is a teaching moment, and we may not have many of them left. '
In 1963 even #PlayBoy interviewed #BertrandRussel about the threat of #NuclearBombs.
#DavidSwanson #WarIsALie on #NuclearWeapons as a
#nuclearweapons #WarIsALie #DavidSwanson #NuclearBombs #bertrandrussel #playboy #NuclearApocalypse
' ... point out the war victims in #Yemen , #Syria , #Ethiopia , #Sudan , #Palestine , #Afghanistan , #Iraq , etc., and to question whether the lives of all #WarVictims matter.
Take the opportunity to point out that the U.S. government arms most of the world’s worst #dictators and oppressive governments and would have a lot more funds for #humanitarian aid if it didn’t. '
#DavidSwanson #WarIsALie in #Ukraine and everywhere else.
#ukraine #WarIsALie #DavidSwanson #humanitarian #dictators #WarVictims #iraq #afghanistan #palestine #sudan #ethiopia #syria #yemen
' O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain…in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen. ''
#MarkTwain #WarPrayer makes me think of #DavidSwanson
#DavidSwanson #WarPrayer #marktwain