@lynnemthomas Next episode opens with #DavidTennant singing “I’ll Be Back”. #DoctorWho
#新现场NewLive 微博:
这部作品昨天已经在英国影剧院顺利播出啦 [哇] - 转发 @新现场NewLive : 大卫·田纳特 #DavidTennant 主演的C P Taylor剧作《好人赫德》(Good)上周末释出了NTLive正式预告片。这部剧讲述了二战前一位德国教授试图为纳粹党开脱的故事,带有人性的思辨与拷问,1981年首演于丹玛尔仓库剧院,后来还有Charles Dance主演的复排版和Viggo Mortensen、Jason Isaacs和Jodie Whittaker主演的电影版。眼下这版将由Dominic Cooke执导, Vicki Mortimer担任舞美设计,西区录制后将于6月15日开始发行,而在此之前NTLive的待播作品还有《少年派的奇幻漂流》《奥赛罗》和《政论双雄》(Best of Enemies) :sys_video: 新现场NewLive的微博视频 https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4881346078900324
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/5554046724/MCYZEkPnw
#新现场NewLive #DavidTennant #theater
...Allons-y! Happy Birthday, David Tennant! ❤️🥳 You will always be my Doctor!
#新现场NewLive 微博:
大卫·田纳特 #DavidTennant 主演的C P Taylor剧作《好人赫德》(Good)上周末释出了NTLive正式预告片。这部剧讲述了二战前一位德国教授试图为纳粹党开脱的故事,带有人性的思辨与拷问,1981年首演于丹玛尔仓库剧院,后来还有Charles Dance主演的复排版和Viggo Mortensen、Jason Isaacs和Jodie Whittaker主演的电影版。眼下这版将由Dominic Cooke执导, Vicki Mortimer担任舞美设计,西区录制后将于6月15日开始发行,而在此之前NTLive的待播作品还有《少年派的奇幻漂流》《奥赛罗》和《政论双雄》(Best of Enemies) :sys_video: 新现场NewLive的微博视频 https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4881346078900324
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/5554046724/My8dK0lvz
#新现场NewLive #DavidTennant #theater
Oh, I’m PUMPED for this one! ❤️❤️
https://youtube.com/watch?v=FtzRP0fycII&feature=shares #doctorwho #DavidTennant #catherinetate #christmas
#doctorwho #DavidTennant #catherinetate #christmas
If there's one thing #DavidTennant can do that he doesn't get enough credit for, it's #Shakespeare. It's way too easy to half-ass Shakespeare. Tennant, on the other hand, knows exactly what he's doing for *every* *single* *second* of *every* Shakespeare production he's in.
#DavidTennant supports #LGBTQ folks,
and that just as Itohan Esekheigbe goes #DoctorWho defending #Vagabonds! (by #Eloghosa #Osunde)
#DavidTennant #lgbtq #doctorwho #vagabonds #eloghosa #osunde
This edit of the classic meeting of Tennant and Smith's Doctors always has me howling in laughter.
"I'm the winner... Timelord Victorious"
#doctorwho #mattsmith #DavidTennant
#新现场NewLive 微博:
- 转发 @新现场NewLive : 大卫·田纳特 #DavidTennant 主演的C P Taylor剧作Good将录NT Live!目前正在西区上演的这版由Dominic Cooke执导, Vicki Mortimer担任舞美设计,经历疫期两度延期之后,终于从10月6日起在哈罗德·品特剧院开始预演,今年录制完毕后,将于明年4月开始在英国、爱尔兰发行,6月15日起面向全球发行 :sys_video: 新现场NewLive的微博视频 https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4836534470508595
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/5554046724/Mgyh0rI1v
#新现场NewLive #DavidTennant #theater
Are there any links for this set yet?
RT @GF97Youtuber@twitter.com
#DoctorWho Online Exclusive Announced for #DoctorWhoDay ‘The Regeneration Set’ featuring the 13th Doctor in her multi Doctor outfit & 14th Doctor from the end of #ThePowerOfTheDoctor! #JodieWhittaker #DavidTennant #Character
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GF97Youtuber/status/1595413050332520448
#doctorwho #doctorwhoday #thepowerofthedoctor #jodiewhittaker #DavidTennant #character
HOW THE FUCK DID THEY GET SAM JACKSON FUCK OFF #STAGED #MichaelSheen #DavidTennant #samuelljackson #Staged
#samuelljackson #DavidTennant #MichaelSheen #Staged
HOW THE FUCK DID THEY GET SAM JACKSON FUCK OFF #STAGED #MichaelSheen #DavidTennant #samuelljackson #Staged
#samuelljackson #DavidTennant #MichaelSheen #Staged
OK now I have left twitter I cannot legitimately blame any of yous for not alerting me to #staged which seems to be the ACTOR version of #theTrip with #MichaelSheen AND #DavidTennant and it's amazing but believe me I am mad at twitter right now
#DavidTennant #MichaelSheen #thetrip #Staged
#新现场NewLive 微博:
大卫·田纳特 #DavidTennant 主演的C P Taylor剧作Good将录NT Live!目前正在西区上演的这版由Dominic Cooke执导, Vicki Mortimer担任舞美设计,经历疫期两度延期之后,终于从10月6日起在哈罗德·品特剧院开始预演,今年录制完毕后,将于明年4月开始在英国、爱尔兰发行,6月15日起面向全球发行 :sys_video: 新现场NewLive的微博视频 https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4836534470508595
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/5554046724/MfksAEwdj
#新现场NewLive #DavidTennant #theater
Vamos con el quinto #DoctorWho pixelado, el gran #PeterDavison.
Suegro de #DavidTennant, padre de Jenny (#GeorgiaTennant ) y un tipo simpático. Tengo una deuda con su etapa.
#pixels #pixelart #georgiatennant #DavidTennant #peterdavison #doctorwho
#新现场NewLive 微博:
一早就有新鲜的提提!大卫·田纳特 #DavidTennant 主演的C P Taylor剧作Good在本周三正式开演之际释出剧照!Good讲述了二战前一位德国教授试图为纳粹党开脱的故事,1981年首演于丹玛尔仓库剧院,后来还有Charles Dance主演的复排版和Viggo Mortensen、Jason Isaacs和Jodie Whittaker主演的电影版。眼下这版将由Dominic Cooke执导, Vicki Mortimer担任舞美设计,经历疫期两度延期之后,终于将于今年10月6日在哈罗德·品特剧院开始预演,本周三正式首演,上演至12月24日
:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/5554046724/M9M3WyNlC
#新现场NewLive #DavidTennant #theater
#MichaelSheen #DavidTennant
A Staged New Year's Message