📷 Looking at the picture this morning, I remembered the radically-#queer piece by #DavidWojnarowicz, "Untitled (One Day This Kid...)," 1990.
That's David as a kid in the center, "protected" by his scathing prosecution of the official forces arrayed against queer people in the US.
🔄 Read his words and share the message. #Everything gained in #LGBTQIA rights since he made this (and died of AIDS two years later) is under threat—again!
@ Estate of David Wojnarowicz via #WhitneyMuseum
#whitneymuseum #LGBTQIA #everything #DavidWojnarowicz #Queer
Cruising the Port Authority in the wee hours of Sunday morning, "Looking for Mr. Crabby," are we? #DavidWojnarowicz AF! 😂
RT @heretikradikal@twitter.com
La continuïtat de la vida quotidiana.
*img c 1982 #DavidWojnarowicz Untitled, Blindfolded Man series 1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/heretikradikal/status/1496912353279057920
#versionsofmyself #DavidWojnarowicz