#music #indie #indiefolk #tootradio #nowplaying
Just checked the new #dawes album. They must be listening to #steelydan quite a lot
#steelydan #Dawes #nowplaying #tootradio #indiefolk #indie #music
First time I’ve heard this stripped-down version of one of my favorite songs.
#Music #Dawes #ALittleBitOfEverything
#alittlebitofeverything #Dawes #music
Today in Labor History February 8, 1887: The Dawes Act created a U.S. government-imposed system of private property on Indigenous lands. It forced Native Americans to “assume a capitalist relationship with property” that did not previously exist in their cultures.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #indigenous #landTheft #Dawes #capitalism #nativeamerican
#workingclass #LaborHistory #indigenous #landTheft #Dawes #capitalism #nativeamerican