Birdsite @aaron_con_choco
> NEW: #DawnJeffrey is being released TODAY w time served & 18 months probation after year and a half in jail.
> The organizer in Little Rock originally faced 30 years minimum. Prosecutors later asked for 2 years.
> "Clear through lines between the summer 2020 uprisings and COINTELPRO"
> @/aaron_con_choco
and I [@/kandistmallett] investigated federal arrests of activists in Little Rock.
> Police, FBI, DHS tracked them for months. Then some got charged w/ 30 year minimums.
Full article by Aaron Miguel CantĂș and Kandist Mallett
#LittleRock #Arkansas #CoIntelPro #DawnJeffrey #MujeraBenjaminLungAho #ReneaGoddard #LobaEspinosaVillegas #EmilyNowlin #GeorgeFloydProtests #Antifascism #Antirascism #AntiBlackRacism
Image via Ryan D. Davis on FB
#littlerock #arkansas #COINTELPRO #DawnJeffrey #MujeraBenjaminLungAho #ReneaGoddard #LobaEspinosaVillegas #EmilyNowlin #GeorgeFloydProtests #antifascism #Antirascism #antiblackracism