#day5 of the #30daysongchallenge - a song that should be played loud. “Shock Me” by Baroness.
A favorite band (I own both a shirt and a hat from them and have to be diligent I don’t wear both simultaneously). Given that this song came out of a catastrophic accident that nearly destroyed the band, the presence of mind to come out of it with a song saying “thanks, I really needed that” is impressive.
#FIBAWorldCup 2023 First Round #Day5: #RepubblicaDominicana, #Lituania, #Germania e #Canada a punteggio pieno, qualificata anche l’#Australia - by Laura Cristaldi
#FibaWorldCup #Day5 #repubblicadominicana #lituania #germania #canada #australia
#FIBAWC2023 First Round #Day5 Italbasket batte le #Filippine e si qualifica al pre-olimpico ed alla 2ª fase del torneo! Commento by Fabrizio Noto, pagelle by Cristiano Garbin
#Basketincarrozzina IWBF European Championship #Day5 2023 #ItalFipic va quasi a fari spenti vs #Austria, domani c'è la #Germania ai quarti di finale
#Basketincarrozzina #Day5 #ItalFipic #austria #germania
#FIBAEurobasketU18M #day5 2023: l’ Italbasket rimonta nel finale e batte la Polonia, continua la corsa per il 9º posto - by Laura Cristaldi
Eurobasket #U18F #day5 2023 Italbasket ennesima sconfitta contro Israele, la serie B si avvicina
by Matteo Avagliano
Day 5: Starting to head down the West Coast on our NC500 journey. Beginning with Kylescu Bridge and Allt Charanaidh Waterfall. Then the Bone Caves and heading back in a westerly direction to Lochinver, Achmelvich Beach, Hermit’s Castle and Stoer Lighthouse before ending our day at Clachtoll Beach Campsite. 🚐💨🏴 #nc500 #day5 #travel #discovery #adventure #scotland #highlands #roadtrip #camping #campervan
#NC500 #Day5 #travel #discovery #adventure #scotland #highlands #roadtrip #camping #campervan
spring sparrow
too early
budding butterfly bush
#haiga #haiku #nationalpoetrymonth #Day5
Not just the crowd and commentators on the edge — check out that laptop on the bench…
RT @sparknzsport
What a finish!! 🖤
#SparkSport #NZvENG #Day5
RT @sparknzsport
What a finish!! 🖤
Shy Girl - Second Heartbeat
Cause I finally, finally
Conquered all the falsities
I’m moving on now
I won’t have to see your face around
I'm not gonna wait for you to change when you want to
In a second heartbeat
I'm not listening to you spin like I used to
In a second heartbeat
For the second day in a row, I forgot to post about #100DaysOfDevelopment 🫣 But: never late the never, so on #Day5 I worked on my personal project. I will talk a little bit more about that on my weekly blogpost that I am planning to publish on Monday.
#Day5 /15.Hey Humans! Today my sugar cravings kicks in. However, trying hard to avoid. Here are few mental health rituals i follow 1.Shake the body👤2.Breathe deeply🧘♀️ 3. Close your eyes, visualize+feel your smile of inner organs🧠🫀🫁4.Place your hand over the heart🫀Whats it saying❓Is there a color, sound or vibration its speaking❓visualise+ drop in. 5.Go for walk🚶♀️6.Touch and Sweep your body while setting intentions. 7.Ground yourself with bare feet👣8. Write ✍️about current feelings to urself.9.Water
#30DaySongChallenge day 5: A song that needs to be turned up loud.
This definitely needs to be something bassy AF.
Lots of things I could choose, but I'm going to go for an epic drum 'n' bass track. And - shock, horror! - it's not from the '90s. Well, not quite.
#30daysongchallenge #bass #drumandbass #dnb #loud #konflict #Day5
#documentando2023 #fotodeldía #unafotopordia #foto #photo #year2023 #año2023 #documentinglife #day5 #dia5 #picoftheday #onepictureaday en Miramar de Ansenuza https://www.instagram.com/p/CnDvuoQOAP-/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
#documentando2023 #fotodeldia #unafotopordia #foto #photo #year2023 #ano2023 #documentinglife #Day5 #dia5 #picoftheday #onepictureaday
005 - Ingénue #kdlang
#Day5 #onerecordaday #radiomontag #rollingstones #Loretta_lynn
#kdlang #Day5 #onerecordaday #radiomontag #rollingstones #Loretta_lynn
On #day5 warm it all up, take the pieces out carefully, and let them cool and dry. #candyland #day2 and #day4 were to repeat #day3
#Day5 #candyland #day2 #day4 #day3
On #Day5 of this #cop15 #HistoricalEcology on more positive, dynamic human/biodiversity relations, we stay in East Africa but go from plains to mountainous areas, the Pare Mountains in Tanzania. Here, extensive pastoralism from the 16th-19th century did create grassier, less bushy landscapes (so not always suitable). Here, the loss large cattle herds due to Maasai raids and rinderpest, (post)colonial tree planting and above all the organic, local fostering of various trees all contributed
#Day5 #cop15 #historicalecology
I'm some kind of glutten for punishment on this #AdventOfCode stuff. I just refactored AGAIN so I could add a #test method at the bottom of #day5 I'm going to do that going forward I think. So I can continue to confirm the original seed data works as I muck around with the real data.
I've gotta go to bed; i've spent way too much time on this one problem today; but I've learned a ton of intersting bits about #rust - I'm still an idiot with it but its getting better.
#adventofcode #test #Day5 #rust