If you'd like to support us, get the word out about how Deakin is treating its staff!
If you'd like to support us money-wise, particularly the casual staff who are taking a bigger hit than us, please consider donating to our strike fund:
#deakinstrike #Deakin #deakinuniversity
Here's all the #Deakin #NTEU #Strike stuff I was in. Thank you to everyone who asked for my opinion on this!
I did a 3-minute video explaining why I was taking strike action here: https://youtu.be/jIBunuMifnk
I was in the Geelong Advertiser talking about how Deakin treats it staff: https://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/geelong-education/deakin-university-staff-go-on-24hour-nteubacked-strike-over-enterprise-agreement/news-story/4f3c33c76e59887a2c378748e3f80ba5
That is paywalled so the parts of the article involving me are attached (with alt-text).
I was on @3CRMelbourne's @slacker_radio talking with @ULTROS_PROFESSIONAL and @beef_skeleton about Deakin, their treatment of staff, and why we were striking. That starts from about 10 minutes here: https://omny.fm/shows/the-suwa-show-squatters-and-unwaged-workers/the-suwa-show-squatters-and-unwaged-workers-21-jul
This morning I recorded a video giving the reason I'm going on #strike at #Deakin with the #NTEU tomorrow. This arvo I did an interview with the Geelong Addy. Tomorrow I speak at the rally. You're going to be seeing quite a bit of me if you follow the strike tomorrow.
There are a lot of casual staff that are striking with us and not getting paid what they would be (none of us are, but they're in an even worse position!). Please donate to the strike fund to help them recoup their lost wages!
here's the video where I explain why I'm striking tomorrow:
Today I'm taking strike action at #Deakin University. Deakin's offered sub-standard EA, which voting opens up for today, is an insult to staff, and shows how poorly they understand what is happening at Deakin.
For more information, see these:
I also wrote a blog post about how Deakin keeps crying poor while making profits and using that as an excuse to destroy the staff and culture at the university. No more.
If you're at #Deakin, I highly encourage you to vote NO on their shitty offer. Deakin has ruined us for too long while making profits. The scales need to be balanced.
#Deakin #nteu #strike #deakinuniversity
Management decided to start a Team and invite a few hundred workers to it. This lead to....
I've posted a blog entry about voting YES on the PABO at Deakin. It goes over how badly Deakin has treated the staff, as well as why NTEU members should authorise every type of industrial action in the vote.
Deakin University To Become First Foreign Tertiary Institution With Campus In India #deakin http://mwyr.es/3IWUUjs
RT @SwearyScholar
#ShitTheyDontTellYouInOWeek Are you heading uni for the first time? Send me your questions! #university #melbourne #literature #foryoupage #fyp #foryou #unimelb #deakin #monash #ACU #RMIT #LaTrobe #VicUni #studyhacks
#shittheydonttellyouinoweek #university #melbourne #literature #foryoupage #fyp #foryou #unimelb #Deakin #Monash #acu #rmit #Latrobe #vicuni #studyhacks
Do I or do you know people in #Melbourne? I’ll be there for six weeks in February and March and except for working with people at #Deakin, have no clue or plans. Any suggestions are welcome, especially for food, culture, trips out of the city 🙏
RT @JonesHowdareyou@twitter.com
Oh well that explains why modern Australia named so many things after him INCLUDING A UNIVERSITY. 😠 #auspol #Deakin https://twitter.com/blakandblack/status/1601712395579457536
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JonesHowdareyou/status/1601715482763005952
Making the tentative dip in the mastodon waters... learning to be #heavy... #science #psychiatry #asbdd #deakin
#heavy #science #psychiatry #asbdd #Deakin
🚨 Deakin NTEU Bargaining Meeting Today 🚨
This was the first "real" one, and focused on A&TSI issues. Watch the video to get an update.
If you're a Deakin NTEU member, be sure to check your inbox for an email that came out yesterday asking for your support for a petition related to Deakin being shitheads to our casual staff (even more than usual).
#Deakin #nteu #betterpay #betteruniversities
Macnamara Interest INTENSIFIES.
RT @kevinbonham@twitter.com
Big pickup for Sukkar in #Deakin on postals, now back to 887 ahead. Would need big counting corrections to get Labor back into it now.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kevinbonham/status/1531064931864305664