@gratefuldread Thanks for sharing. The report gave me some insights into the heavy reality of journalists in crisis areas. I absolutely don't see it's about #DeanYates frozen silence about this ultrashock, but I haven't noticed, that the US military got away with lies about the #CollateralMurderAttack, which was actually proven by the video. Were there really no consequences?
#DeanYates #collateralmurderattack
Es ist gut zu sehen, dass #DeanYates die #Australier dazu aufruft,
sich gegen diese Heuchelei und politische Verfolgung durch den Prozess und die Inhaftierung von Journalist #Assange auszusprechen.
Wir müssen #JulianAssange befreien, jetzt!
Rufen Sie "#FreeJulianAssangeNow" zu den Menschen, die im CafeLattes trinken, wann immer es möglich ist.
Wir müssen daran erinnern, dass diejenigen, die "das Sagen haben", #Kriegsverbrecher sind.
#deepl #DeanYates #Australier #assange #julianassange #FreeJulianAssangeNOW #kriegsverbrecher
It is good to see #DeanYates reprenting and calling for #Australians to get vocal on this hypocrisy and #PoliticalPersecution by Process and Imprisonment of Journalist Assange.
We must #FreeJournalistAssange, now!
Call out "#FreeJulianAssangeNow" to ppl sipping cafeLattes, whenever possible. Reminders are needed that those who're 'calling the shots' are #WarCriminals.
#DeanYates #Australians #politicalPersecution #FreeJournalistAssange #FreeJulianAssangeNow #warcriminals