Do you know if there exists a #brass version of "You Will Be Found"?
I especially like this #arrangement as it's so energetic and vibrant!
#brass #arrangement #DearEvanHansen #musical #brassband
My daughter is obsessed with the songs from #DearEvanHansen and I have to say that every note she plays on piano from this bizarre musical sounds stolen from a famous tune I already know. If you fed an AI all the great songs of the past it would compose something generic like this. I can’t help but dislike the whole thing.
"Have you ever felt, like nobody was there?
Have you ever felt forgotten, in the middle of nowhere?
Have you ever felt, like you could disappear?
Like you could fall and noone would hear?"
"You will be found"
#youwillbefound #DearEvanHansen #musical #music #OnlyBoysAloud
I love #DearEvanHansen and #BenPlatt. But I'm watching the movie version for the first time and they really should have let someone else play that role. I bet they could have found someone with enough talent.
Dear Evan Hansen is one of my favorite musicals. One of my favorite numbers of the album, Words Fail (a song for feeling sorry for messing up), has been covered by the actress that plays another character on the show. She's so good, so expressive, I absolutely love this version!
My only caveat: there are only automatic subtitles in the video.
Courtney Stapleton - Words Fail [Covers Recast Series]
Someone made a Dear Theodosia cover as a friendship/love song between Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy, perfectly mashing up two of my favorite musicals: #Hamilton and #DearEvanHansen :amaze:
So I have just seen Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway and, which I am not normally a musicals kind of guy, I have to say that it was fantastic. The guy playing the lead, Andrew Barth Feldman, is only 17 years old. I thought his performance was spectacular and I don't just mean his singing, his acting was amazing. I'd go so far as to say he was the Broadway equivalent of Dustin Hoffman in Rainman. Awesome.
#DearEvanHansen #Broadway #Play #MusicalTheatre
#musicaltheatre #play #broadway #DearEvanHansen