RT @sfwa@twitter.com
The Wall Street Journal covers #DisneyMustPay and the royalties that authors like Alan Dean Foster, James Kahn, and Donald Glut are owed for their novelizations of franchises that Disney now owns. https://www.wsj.com/articles/star-wars-novelists-seek-years-of-missing-royalty-payments-from-disney-11608393600 #writerbeware #DearMickey
#DisneyMustPay #writerbeware #DearMickey
RT @MaryRobinette@twitter.com
#DearMickey #DisneyMustPay royalties to #AlanDeanFoster.
@WaltDisneyCo@twitter.com argue that they acquired the rights but not the obligations to his novels.
If a publisher can break a contract by selling it to a sibling company, this could affect every writer.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaryRobinette/status/1329175924659589126
#DearMickey #DisneyMustPay #AlanDeanFoster
RT @MaryRobinette
#DearMickey #DisneyMustPay royalties to #AlanDeanFoster.
@WaltDisneyCo argue that they acquired the rights but not the obligations to his novels.
If a publisher can break a contract by selling it to a sibling company, this could affect every writer.
#DearMickey #DisneyMustPay #AlanDeanFoster
RT @MaryRobinette
#DearMickey #DisneyMustPay royalties to #AlanDeanFoster.
@WaltDisneyCo argue that they acquired the rights but not the obligations to his novels.
If a publisher can break a contract by selling it to a sibling company, this could affect every writer.
#DearMickey #DisneyMustPay #alandeanfoster
RT @sfwa
A message from SFWA's president on #DisneyMustPay Alan Dean Foster his unpaid royalties. #DearMickey http://www.sfwa.org/disney-must-pay/