It's #FridayFriends day!
An open access journal article about end of life doulas has been published in Palliative Care and Social Practice
Led by the incredible Marian Marian Krawczyk, the International End of Life Doula Research Group IEOLDRG members Emma Clare, Erin Collins, Sarah Farr, Elizabeth Johnson, Jennifer Mallmes, Annetta Mallon (me!), Kelly Oberle, and Jennifer Rigal all contributed to this article.
I'm honoured and grateful to work with this group.
What's happening in your Friday world?
#GDEP #IEOLDRG #EOLD #EOLDoula #DeathDoula #research #academia #writing #DeathPositive
#fridayfriends #gdep #ieoldrg #eold #eoldoula #DeathDoula #research #academia #writing #deathpositive
VAD Foster's compassion, community, communication, and better end of life and death outcomes.
Don't believe the religious hysterical hype - VAD is opt-in and offers genuine choice for those who meet the criteria.
Advocacy and support from non-medical workers - like end of life doulas - can make the process even smoother for everyone involved. Got questions? I'm here to help.
#GDEP #VAD #AskAnnetta #choices #EndOfLife #dignity #EOLD #EOLDoula #DeathDoula #MallonModel #support
#gdep #vad #askannetta #choices #endoflife #dignity #eold #eoldoula #DeathDoula #mallonmodel #support
TFW you are so tired your vision and your head (and body) are swaying - but not in synch.
I'd forgotten how unsettlingly unpleasant deep jetlag is - waves of swaying queasiness that sometimes meet, sometimes overlaps, and sometimes just taunt your stomach contents. For fun.
On the bright side (ha!) my eyes look incredibly green right now because my sclera are so bloodshot! #SilverLinings #blessed 😂🤣
ID: a woman with white curly hair, a white face mask and delicate reading glasses lists blearily at the camera. She is very sleep-deprived and quite jetlagged, so holding her head at an angle is all she can manage just now.TFW you are so tired your vision and your head (and body) are swaying - but not in synch.
I'd forgotten how unsettlingly unpleasant deep jetlag is - waves of swaying queasiness that sometimes meet, sometimes overlaps, and sometimes just taunt your stomach contents. For fun.
On the bright side (ha!) my eyes look incredibly green right now because my sclera are so bloodshot! #SilverLinings #blessed 😂🤣
#travel #DeathDoula #research #jetlag #IRL #funny #exhaustion #IMissMyDog
#silverlinings #blessed #travel #DeathDoula #research #jetlag #irl #funny #exhaustion #imissmydog
Wondering how end of life doulas and compassionate community work intersects to benefit carers and support networks? Or if disability and long-term care from home could be improved?
Try this, it's free to read:
#GDEP #EOLD #EOLDAC #ComCom #CompassionateCommunity #DeathDoula #EndOfLife #EndOfLifeDoula #EOLDUK #research #CarerBurnout #MallonModel #disability #rehabilitation
#gdep #eold #eoldac #comcom #compassionatecommunity #DeathDoula #endoflife #endoflifedoula #eolduk #research #carerburnout #mallonmodel #disability #rehabilitation
Who says international research groups aren't glamorous??! We're here and deathy from Australia (me, in pink 🦘), Canada, the UK and USA - and the End of Life Doula Association of Canada & Douglas College have been invaluable in making this all happen.
We're here in New Westminster BC Canada for the International End of Life Doula Research Group (IEOLDRG) symposium and sea-map planning session for the next year or two. We were joined on Zoom by people from several countries who are eager to help shape and inform research directions. Such a rich week we are having - thank you everyone!
Stay tuned for updates.
#GDEP #research #collaboration #EOLDAC #EOLDUK #SeaMap #EndOfLifeDoula #DeathDoula #identity #ideas #group #work #GoodStuff
#gdep #research #collaboration #eoldac #eolduk #seamap #endoflifedoula #DeathDoula #identity #ideas #group #work #GoodStuff
I gave a presentation at Douglas College in New Westminster BC today on end of life doulas and assisted dying as part of a virtual conference.
Thanks go to the brilliant cabaret artist Reuben Kaye for a pivotal quote I included in this talk (from his recent 'Live and Intimidating' show): "Nothing hates like Christian love". The perfect encapsulation of hysterical and fallacious opposition to VAD.
A fascinating day with international contributors. Thank you to the End of Life Doula Association of Canada and Douglas College.
#EOLD #DeathDoula #VAD #AssistedDying #MAiD #conference #PublicSpeaking #community #collaboration #ReubenKaye
#eold #DeathDoula #vad #assisteddying #maid #conference #PublicSpeaking #community #collaboration #reubenkaye
Vancouver BC airport arrivals and immigration hall.
#travel #IEOLDRG #EndOfLifeDoula #research #DeathDoula #FirstNations #textilrs #FibreArt #weaving #beauty #vancouver #canada #art
#travel #ieoldrg #endoflifedoula #research #DeathDoula #firstnations #textilrs #fibreart #weaving #beauty #vancouver #canada #art
Wow, the pace keeps increasing on Mallon Model downloads, now at over 3,300. 😍
You're welcome to join in the micro compassionate community movement and read the free article here:
Avoid carer burnout, support end of life and best quality ongoing care at home in an easy, straightforward way. Online masterclasses for international time zones are available, email for details.
#GDEP #MallonModel #AskAnnetta #ComCom #EndOfLife #HomeBasedDying #carer #caring #support #network #masterclass #research #academia #AcademicChatter #OriginalResearch #CompassionateCommunity #EOLD #DeathDoula #DeathPositive #DisabilitySupport #care #EndCarerBurnout
#gdep #mallonmodel #askannetta #comcom #endoflife #homebaseddying #carer #caring #support #network #masterclass #research #academia #academicchatter #originalresearch #compassionatecommunity #eold #DeathDoula #deathpositive #disabilitysupport #care #endcarerburnout
I worked at Advanced Care Planning Australia in 2017-2018, and I had a small hand in the project management of these animated videos.
After the Communications Manager left, I stepped up to see them through to completion. Produced by Creativa, it won Gold recognition in the 2018 Muse Creative Awards.
Working at ACPA planted the seed for becoming an end of life doula.
#EndOfLife #EndOfLifeDoula #DeathDoula #AdvanceCarePlanning #ACPweek23
#acpweek23 #AdvanceCarePlanning #DeathDoula #endoflifedoula #endoflife
Have you considered what kind of medical care you want if you can't speak for yourself?
It's National Advance Care Planning Week, and 'the time is now' to think about–and talk about–your values and preferences regarding future health care and end-of-life.
Advance care planning is key to ensuring your wishes are respected. Start the conversation.
#EndOfLife #EndOfLifeDoula #DeathDoula #AdvanceCarePlanning #HealthcareDecisions #ACPweek23
#acpweek23 #healthcaredecisions #AdvanceCarePlanning #DeathDoula #endoflifedoula #endoflife
It's "Ask a question day" so I'm here to help with your curiosity about grief,death literacy,end of life, dying, voluntary assisted dying, home funerals, the Mallon Model and any other death-positive questions you have.
#GDEP #AskAnnetta #EndOfLife #AskAQuestionDay #DeathLiteracy #DeathPositive #DeathDoula #grief #love #question #curiosity
ID: a purple background, a picture of a smiling woman with white curly hair and a colourful scarf around her neck, and text. "March 14th is "Ask a question day". What would you like to know about end of life, dying, death, or grief?
Leave a comment or email Dr Annetta Mallon Gentle Death Education and Planning"
#gdep #askannetta #endoflife #askaquestionday #deathliteracy #deathpositive #DeathDoula #grief #love #question #curiosity
Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day. I went to the hospital to witness paperwork for a patient who is seeking voluntary assisted dying.
Voluntary Assisted Dying is available in #Victoria (and other states) to people who meet the eligibility criteria. The law allows a person in the late stages of advanced disease to seek medical help to end their life. Some of the paperwork requires two witnesses.
#VoluntaryAssistedDying #VAD #AssistedDying #Euthanasia #EndOfLife #EndOfLifeDoula #DeathDoula
#DeathDoula #endoflifedoula #endoflife #euthanasia #assisteddying #vad #voluntaryassisteddying #victoria
I've been quiet on here recently. Not much of note to say, but I was also struggling to come out of hibernation.
It's looking like my role as a #DeathDoula is going to turbo charged this year. I've met the right people within the very small network over here.
It's a bit scary and overwhelming but one step at a time.
@lloyd Re: #DeathDoula - I think this is an excellent idea. I'm certified as a hospice volunteer through a fine local hospital. Seems like many of the families I volunteered for could have used those services. Hospice is patient driven, the doula would serve the needs of the family, right?
I've been considering becoming an end-of-life consultant, aka #deathDoula. Does anyone have any experience or commentary on this profession and how it has helped families? I'd also like to hear about any negative experiences people have had. #dying
I finally leapt and published my new end of life doula services website and social media profiles. I invite you to check them out and connect with me on these accounts for end of life information.
"Twelve-year-old me didn’t know how necessary it was to hold space for the dying, and I had no language for what it was I was doing. At 13, I became a hospice volunteer, sitting quietly, talking, feeding and playing games with patients, but it would be years later before I was able to put a name to the work I was doing to comfort the dying." #DeathDoula #Hospice
Wow! My Mallon Model article has been downloaded over 2,800 times!
Am so chuffed.
The article is free to access, and workshops are available.
#GDEP #MallonModel #research #sociology #EndOfLife #DeathDoula #EndOfLifeDoula #EOLD #ComCom
#gdep #mallonmodel #research #sociology #endoflife #DeathDoula #endoflifedoula #eold #comcom
Did you know that the Natural Death Advocacy Network (NDAN) offer bi-monthly information sessions that include some of the biggest names in the field - and that you don't have to be a member to attend?! The sessions run for 2 hours, with the first half being recorded and available for attendees to replay for 2 months post-event. The second half is a Q and A, but only available for NDAN members and is not recorded.
On April 2nd from 9-11am (GMT +11 Hobart/Melbourne time) Dr John Troyer will present on Technologies of the Human Corpse. Dr Troyer is the Director for Death and Society at the University of Bath, and a co-founder of the Death Reference Desk website.
You can book your tickets through trybooking here:
Discount prices available to members - for a modest fee of $30 per year you can really reap the benefits.
#EndOfLife #information #webinar #NDAN #EndOfLifeDoula #DeathLiteracy #DeathDoula #event
#endoflife #information #webinar #ndan #endoflifedoula #deathliteracy #DeathDoula #event
Did you know that carer burnout is an urgent global health issue, and that carers for those who choose to die at home are in this group? Happily, the micro compassionate community Mallon Model is designed to help avoid carer burnout, and to streamline end of life doula work.
The open access journal article explaining the Mallon Model has now been downloaded over 2,700 times, and you can also access training workshops - in person and online - to learn how to maximise the benefits of the model, and to tailor it for individual situations.
Click here to access the article or email to arrange a workshop.
#GDEP #MallonModel #ComCom #EOLD #DeathDoula #DeathLiteracy #GoodStuff #EndIfLife
#gdep #mallonmodel #comcom #eold #DeathDoula #deathliteracy #GoodStuff #endiflife