ZorakXV · @ZorakXV
30 followers · 175 posts · Server kolektiva.social
ZorakXV · @ZorakXV
5 followers · 17 posts · Server kolektiva.social

As 2022 concludes:

- Trump and his fascistic allies haven't given up in reclaiming power, and returning the US to pre-1950 cultural norms.

-The Democratic party has passed two consecutive record budgets for an imperialist military.

-Right wing extremists have engaged in domestic terrorism to stike fear into the hearts of law abiding Americans.

In conclusion: The American working class must organize to save their country from fascism, and an empire run amok.

Help the: IWW
Democratic Socialists of America

Organize, heal, and sustain the US for future generations.

#DeathToImperialism #deathtofascism #deathtocapitalism #solidarityforever

Last updated 2 years ago

Dywizjon 161 · @Dywizjon161
542 followers · 118 posts · Server kolektiva.social

(Za 161 Crew: t.me/Poland_161Crew )

Nasze naszywki dotarły na front do oddziału "Jaskółki", który właśnie wysłał pozdrowienia wszystkim wspierającym z ACK Galicja, xvx.tacticaid oraz innych ekip.
W tej chwili zbierane są fundusze na mobilne centrum dowodzenia dla jej grupy. Jeśli chcecie pomóc ( np. kupując naszywki ) zgłaszajcie się do @xvx.tacticaid ( Instagram)
Śmierć imperializmowi

#antifa #antyfaszyzm #161crew #DeathToImperialism #anarchizm #FckPutin

Last updated 2 years ago

ZorakXV · @zorakxv
46 followers · 186 posts · Server mastodon.lol

- while thousands are
- the American education system is underfunded
- healthcare in the US is unaffordable
- the US lacks a nationwide public transportation system available to all
- the world continues to face a crises of climate
- the US funds and trains fascism in Ukraine

in conclusion - the US is becoming the fourth Reich

#DeathToImperialism #deathtocapitalism #deathtofascism #deathtothesurviellancestate

Last updated 2 years ago

Ethan 🌓 · @Ethancdavenport
185 followers · 38960 posts · Server retro.social