Enjoying a lovely time: home alone watching reruns of old cop shows #MidsummerMurders #DeathInParadise #Columbo #Memories #Reminiscing #GoodTimes #DifferentTimes
#midsummermurders #DeathinParadise #Columbo #memories #reminiscing #goodtimes #differenttimes
#TV series #review: Beyond Paradise – season one (BBC, 2023)
tl;dr: The Death in Paradise spin-off isn’t half bad, but it isn’t half good either.
#BeyondParadise #DeathInParadise #spinoff #BritishTV #TVreview
#tv #review #beyondparadise #DeathinParadise #spinoff #BritishTV #tvreview
@lee_ That's good. Doing exactly the same rôte formulaic stuff as #DeathInParadise, where one can comfortably fall asleep a quarter of an hour in and still know who the murderer is (because it's always the person who was pointed away from or rapidly skipped over during that period), wouldn't have interested me.
Catherine’s Bar from #deathinparadise. Though the French people around us seem to be oblivious of this.
But it's _always_ the person that you were pointed away from or very quickly skipped past in the first quarter of an hour that did it. You can sleep through the middle bit. (-:
It's not a murder mystery if it follows the exact same formula every episode for years and is entirely predictable from the formula alone. It's a soap opera about a fictional police force.
And like #Brookside spawned Damon And Debby ...
#brookside #DeathinParadise #uktelly
#DeathinParadise I wonder how the commissioner would rank the inspectors. There was always something about each of them he wasn't fond of, though he does seem to respect them in the end. Even Neville. #britishtv
I'm still practising at being a couch potato - my Christmas TV viewing - Death In Paradise https://bit.ly/3G7x3Mw #retirement #quarterreview #money #ghosts #detectorists #DeathInParadise #GoneFishing
#retirement #quarterreview #money #ghosts #Detectorists #DeathinParadise #gonefishing
I'm still practising at being a couch potato - my Christmas TV viewing - Ghosts https://bit.ly/3GxzTft #retirement #quarterreview #money #ghosts #detectorists #DeathInParadise #GoneFishing
#retirement #quarterreview #money #ghosts #Detectorists #DeathinParadise #gonefishing
I'm still practising at being a couch potato - my Christmas TV viewing - Detectorists https://bit.ly/3GxzTft #retirement #quarterreview #money #ghosts #detectorists #DeathInParadise #GoneFishing
#retirement #quarterreview #money #ghosts #Detectorists #DeathinParadise #gonefishing
Anyone else think we need a #DeathInParadise spin-off off featuring Katherine and The Commissioner? #BBC
I'm still practising at being a couch potato - my Christmas TV viewing - Gone Fishing https://bit.ly/3G7x3Mw #retirement #quarterreview #money #ghosts #detectorists #DeathInParadise #GoneFishing
#retirement #quarterreview #money #ghosts #Detectorists #DeathinParadise #gonefishing
Webb's got to be the bad guy. There's no other reason he's in this. #DeathInParadise
This is going to mean nothing to many here; but for those in the know, excitement is building for the … wait for it … BRAND-NEW SERIES OF ‘DEATH IN PARADISE’ at nine o’clock tonight on BBC1. Bliss. Radio silence will be observed for one hour. #DeathinParadise #RalfLittle. #ShantolJackson. #TahjMiles. #GinnyHolder. #ElizabethBourgine. #DonWarrington. #SaintMariePolice
#DeathinParadise #ralflittle #shantoljackson #tahjmiles #ginnyholder #elizabethbourgine #donwarrington #saintmariepolice
Also continuing with #TheUmbrellaAcademy Season 2 after finishing #911 Season 4 over Christmas (and making my wife a fan of it in the process). 2023 also brings with it new series of #CalltheMidwife and #DeathInParadise.
#TheUmbrellaAcademy #callthemidwife #DeathinParadise
#DeathInParadise was excellent and the new series starts next Friday (6th)!
And new #SilentWitness from the 2nd!
#DeathinParadise #silentwitness
Darlene: "I heard back from Sharonda. She's my hairdrsser's auntie's neighbour."
I see the gossip network on St. Marie is still working.