Bethesda weren't sure if they wanted Dishonored 3, and so we got Deathloop instead - #MultiplayerCompetitive #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #XboxSeriesX/S #ArkaneStudios #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #Dishonored #ArkaneLyon #Interview #Deathloop #Shooter #XboxOne #Xbox360 #PS3 #PS4 #RPG #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #rpg #ps4 #ps3 #xbox360 #xboxone #shooter #Deathloop #interview #arkanelyon #dishonored #firstperson #singleplayer #arkanestudios #XboxSeriesX #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks #multiplayercompetitive
How Arkane's multiversal Parisian pipedream eventually gave us Deathloop - #Wolfenstein:Youngblood #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #NintendoSwitch #XboxSeriesX/S #ArkaneStudios #SinglePlayer #Machinegames #Firstperson #TheCrossing #ArkaneLyon #Dishonored #Interview #Deathloop #Shooter #Xbox360 #XboxOne #Valve #RPG #PS4 #PS3 #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #ps3 #ps4 #rpg #valve #xboxone #xbox360 #shooter #Deathloop #interview #dishonored #arkanelyon #thecrossing #firstperson #machinegames #singleplayer #arkanestudios #XboxSeriesX #nintendoswitch #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #wolfenstein
GOTY 2022: Sam’s favorite games of the year
You don't need 5 games on your GOTY list, just 4 really good ones
#OriginalContent #SideQuesting #Deathloop #GhostwireTokyo #goty #GOTY2022 #Lunistice #PokemonScarlet #PokemonViolet
#PokemonViolet #PokemonScarlet #lunistice #goty2022 #goty #ghostwiretokyo #Deathloop #sidequesting #originalcontent
me invading as julianna: fuck, this colt is kicking my ass. every time i spot him he nearly kills me or otherwise slips away, he's hacked the antenna and can escape the level now, he has the healing stations mined and i'm about to die, i haven't gotten him even once yet what am i gonna do.
colt: dies to random mob
#deathloop: phenomenal. here's ten thousand XP, you fucking rocked his shit.
#deathloop is good because i can literally get bodied twice by an invading julliana and still "win" by getting just one kill in, refilling all my lost lives. i'm sure that's absolutely infuriating to the invader but also gg no re shouldn't have gotten into a slugfest with my no aim ass, i literally have three times as many health bars as you i WILL w m1 you eventually.
@boilingsteam pokémon ripoff #TemTem and groundhog day 60's immersive sim #deathloop
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#gaming #games #gamers #videogames #gameplay #youtube #videos #xbox #gamepass #xboxgamepass #xcloud #cloud #xboxcloudgaming #jogando #gameplaybr #jogos #jogo #playing #walkthrough #xboxshare #comojogar #xcloudgameplay #gamerlife #gaminglife #gamestagram #youtuber #community #gamingcommunity #deathloop #bethesdasoftworks
#gaming #games #gamers #videogames #gameplay #youtube #videos #xbox #gamepass #XboxGamePass #xCloud #cloud #xboxcloudgaming #jogando #gameplaybr #jogos #Jogo #playing #walkthrough #xboxshare #comojogar #xcloudgameplay #gamerlife #gaminglife #gamestagram #youtuber #community #gamingcommunity #Deathloop #BethesdaSoftworks
Ayé fini #DEATHLOOP et c'était incroyable. Le jeu est direct promu dans mon top aux côté de la série #Dishonored, #Arkane prouve une fois de plus qu'ils sont très bons pour créer des jeux parfaits.
La découverte de la boucle temporelle et de ses variations potentielles à chaque cycle c'est totalement dingue.
Aussi, je pensais sincèrement pas sortir un carnet de note pour résoudre des énigmes sur un jeu qui se présente comme un FPS d'action ^^'
#arkane #dishonored #Deathloop #Gaming
Stasera comincio finalmente #deathloop! Molto incuriosito dal progetto. Qualcuno di voi lo ha giocato?
#Fanfiction has consumed my life and I'm perfectly content with it.
My main fandom is #Dishonored (51 fics and counting XD), but I have stories for #Deathloop, #AssassinsCreed, #ResidentEvil, #MassEffect and lots of TV and movie fandoms as well.
#fanfic writers, where are ya! I need more to read and folks to be totally normal about stuff with 😆
#fanfic #masseffect #residentevil #assassinscreed #Deathloop #dishonored #fanfiction
Deathloop takes place in the same world as Dishonored, creative director confirms - #Dishonored:DeathoftheOutsider #BethesdaSoftworks #ScienceFiction #ArkaneStudios #Dishonored2 #FPS/Shooter #Dishonored #Simulation #StoryRich #Deathloop #Fantasy #Stealth
#dishonored #bethesdasoftworks #sciencefiction #arkanestudios #Dishonored2 #fps #simulation #StoryRich #Deathloop #fantasy #Stealth
RT @ElliottFinn
“This place is the end of all things. And the beginning."
RT @deathloop
Expand your Colt and Julianna wardrobe with these stylish skins that come with your active subscription to @XboxGamePass Ultimate!
Make sure you claim your perks before 11/21. #DEATHLOOP
More details:
RT @ArkaneStudios
In a couple of minutes @TomSalta will be chatting about #DEATHLOOP OST with Rolling Stone!
Tune in to learn more about the OST and his musical career.
RT @JonathanFoudral
Now that the GOLDENLOOP Update has been live for a few days, I'd like to make a thread on how this update is a "first time" for many of us at Arkane Lyon!