Chris #Christie Plans to Chase #Trump ‘Around The Country’ If Former President Won’t #Debate
Hey, I have a question: At the recent #Republican #debate, the word "democracy" appeared prominently. Since we're being constantly lectured that "America is a republic, not a democracy" shouldn't that have said "republic"?
Watched the whole thing (out of a possibly misplaced sense of duty). As you may have guessed none of these topics was broached.
#debate #debates #maga #republican #USPol #election #primary #revolution
#revolution #primary #Election #USpol #republican #MAGA #debates #Debate
Well, if #GOP #candidates can’t make the case against someone who was impeached twice while president, and has been indicted four times since, then those candidates aren’t worthy of the nomination either. #debate
1 question I have about the #GOP presidential candidates, especially after last night's #Debate: if they're all falling over themselves to prove how far up #DonaldTrump's ass each one of them is and how great of a president he was, why are they on that stage? Why are they running in the first place, considering he's still a candidate and so far hasn't been legally barred from running?
Say goodbye to #Ramaswamy. He was Viveksected tonight. #Republican #Debate
#Debate #republican #ramaswamy
Are they booing Pence, The Constitution, both or do they know?
My takeaway tonight: Republicans want to bring the pollution back home. A big reason why China, India, and the African continent have such high emissions is because that’s where most factories of western products are made AND where they’re extracting the minerals, which also has a high carbon footprint. #gop #Debate
-- Naturalism vs. Theism: Where Does the Evidence Point? --
(debate featuring Jeffery Jay Lowder / @SecularOutpost)
#theism #Debate #atheism #naturalism
Who else is expecting the GOP debate to be a shitshow? ✋
At least it might be entertaining to watch them all flounder and make complete fools of themselves on national TV. I know they do that on a daily basis already, but now they can all do it together on one stage. :blobcatpopcornnom:
#Elections #Debate #USA #Politics #gopdebate #gop
Since there's a debate happening this evening, it might be useful to read about where the candidates stand regarding democracy.
"Where the 2024 candidates stand on elections, democracy and Jan. 6"
#Democracy #Republicans #Debate #Election2024 #USpol
GIFT link:
#USpol #election2024 #Debate #republicans #Democracy
@marcelias All #GOP hopefuls can unite as ardent #VoteSuppressors before they exchange descriptions praising their DearLeader's autocratic record. #Debate #GOPcandidates
#gopcandidates #Debate #votesuppressors #gop
Why won't Trump debate?"
"The debate is being hosted by Fox News and even if they did ask a tough question, like how will he serve out his presidency from a Georgia jail cell, he’d just do what he did during the 2016 debates. He didn’t answer any tough questions in those debates. He never explained a policy or details. All he did was bark, attack people, and talk about his tiny dick."
The rest of #ClayJones' Op-Ed is here...
#Trump #Debate #gop #clayjones
“Coward #Trump” chickens out of #Republican presidential #debate
Did anyone read in the last week, an op-ed piece saying that there was no way #trump could #debate anyone because his dementia is too much to allow it, so that the #interview with tucker would allow a way to keep it focussed and that tucker was desperate enough for some spotlight to risk it? Or did I just imagine it all? I can't re-find it and I've looked...
amongst his friends & admirers: nina simone, marlon brando, sartre, jean genet, josephine baker & maya angelou...
if you've never read any baldwin, 'the fire next time' is a good starting point - &, if you've never seen him debate, my goodness, take your arse over to youtube & watch him at oxford tearing strips off william f buckley.
#literature #paris #jamesBaldwin #debate #politics #illustration #portrait
#Portrait #Illustration #Politics #Debate #jamesbaldwin #Paris #literature
#history #USA #Europe #political #Best_of #conservative #liberal #debate #Burke #ThomasPaine #England
#history #usa #europe #political #best_of #conservative #liberal #Debate #burke #thomaspaine #england