Why do I have to keep running #fsck to fix the bit map? #DebianLinux, 1T HD. Would #ZFS or Btrf preclude this problem? Most annoying!
#Linux dünyasında öne çıkan konu ve haberlere cevabi.net arama motoru ile göz attınız mı?
#ubuntulinux #debianlinux #linuxmint #linuxuser #AramaMotoru #kalilinux #archlinux #pardus #centos #redhat #oraclelinux #yazılım #teknoloji
#linux #ubuntulinux #DebianLinux #linuxmint #linuxuser #aramamotoru #kalilinux #archlinux #pardus #centos #redhat #oraclelinux #yazilim #teknoloji
Debian :debian: 12 "Bookworm" Hits Its First Freeze - Phoronix
#DebianLinux #phoronix #debian
"What? You mean not everyone carries around five Linux distros on their keychain?"
#Linux #LinuxMint #openSUSE #Debian #Ubuntu #KaliLinux #DebianLinux #UbuntuLinux #nerd #FOSS #OpenSource #geek
#geek #OpenSource #FOSS #nerd #ubuntulinux #DebianLinux #kalilinux #Ubuntu #Debian #OpenSUSE #LinuxMint #Linux
Und, da für mein persönliches, privates Webhosting für mich und meine Familie, sollte es auch möglichst günstig sein und sich relativ einfach auf #DebianLinux installieren und konfigurieren lassen.
Bitte gerne #boosten
#Debian #Arch #GNULinux #Linux #DebianLinux #ArchLinux
What did you choose and why?
#debian #arch #gnulinux #linux #DebianLinux #archlinux
Starke Position für #Linux insgesamt.
Ich persönlich verbringe am Tag am meisten Zeit mit #Windows, zumindest an Arbeitstagen. Sonst verwende ich hauptsächlich #Android.
Bisserl #DebianLinux zum Spaß.
#linux #windows #android #DebianLinux
Installing updates on my #SurfacePro7. Though I have customized it a bit getting rid of #Windows. Instead I have it running #DebianLinux. I've had #Linux on it pretty much since I first bought it and it runs great. I have no desire to ever put #Windows back on it ever.
#surfacepro7 #windows #DebianLinux #linux
Which linux distribution do you use for servers? Comment below if using another one #linux #almalinux #rockylinux #rhel #fedoralinux #debianlinux #ubuntuserver #opensuse #suselinux #linuxdistribution #linuxserver #enterpriselinux
#linux #AlmaLinux #RockyLinux #rhel #fedoralinux #DebianLinux #ubuntuserver #opensuse #suselinux #linuxdistribution #linuxserver #enterpriselinux
@Kkrisz Python ❤️ nyomjátok! #magyar sajnos én csak amatőr vagyok! #DebianLinux
Three points to know before you perform Linux installation (Thu, 17Nov, 1830hrs)
Join the community for a fun-filled experiential session
#Linux #LinuxInstallation #InstallFest #ArchLinux #GentooLinux #DebianLinux #OpenSuSeLinux #SoftwareHub #Ankara #Kayseri #Konya #Kahramanmaraş #Ordu #Samsun #Çorum #Trabzon #Ünye #Niğde #Adiyaman #Çankırı #Giresun #Afyonkarahisar #Gaziantep #Antalya #Adana #Sivas #Turkiye #Turkey
#linux #LinuxInstallation #installfest #archlinux #gentoolinux #DebianLinux #opensuselinux #SoftwareHub #ankara #Kayseri #konya #kahramanmaras #Ordu #samsun #corum #trabzon #unye #nigde #Adiyaman #cankiri #Giresun #Afyonkarahisar #gaziantep #antalya #adana #Sivas #turkiye #turkey
RT @raviolimavioli@twitter.com
Moemorphized Arch Linux and Debian GNU/Linux
#linux #krita @Krita_Painting@twitter.com #archlinux @debian@twitter.com #debianlinux #os_tan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/raviolimavioli/status/1475724176501592064
#os_tan #DebianLinux #archlinux #krita #linux