Participants at a PACE side-event at the #HLPF2023 in New York tackle how to create decent work and a sustainable future for all. More...
#SDG8 #DecentWork
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PACE_News/status/1683476052994146305
Thanks to @BelgiumUN & @Morocco_UN for yesterday's #HLPF reception.
Speaking to the Group of Friends of #DecentWork, @ILO Director-General Houngbo stressed that labour rights are human rights. The EU strongly supports this approach. https://t.co/csxQuzhlu6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1681389806129905675
Σήμερα, πάνω από 160 εκατομμύρια παιδιά υφίστανται παιδική εργασία, τα μισά από τα οποία σε επικίνδυνες εργασίες.
Είναι ώρα για αλλαγή.
#EndChildLabour Μια για πάντα
#WorldDayAgainstChildLabour #SocialRights #HumanRights #DecentWork
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1668183324190478336
#EndChildLabour #WorldDayAgainstChildLabour #SocialRights #humanrights #DecentWork
💔 je 💡 da je više od 160 mil. 👥 zarobljeno u dječjem radu, od čega se 1/2 iskorištava za opasan rad.
Evo što poduzimamo:
💪🏼 propisa za ❌ #ChildLabour i ✅ #DecentWork.
Priprema novih ⚖️ mjera za ❌ proizvoda proizvedenih prisilnim radom u 🇪🇺.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1668172957951164416
#ChildLabour #DecentWork #WorldDayAgainstChildLabour
Job alert!
2 postdoc positions in “FOODCIRCUITS: Hidden Connections Between Migrants and Societies” at Universitat de Barcelona, with Prof. Seth Holmes (who is great and fun to work with!)
#DecentWork #food #migration #academicjobs #fedijobs
RT @TUACOECD: 👍🏾"responsible business conduct will be paramount in enabling a sustainable, diversified, & reliable supply"
⛏️"of minerals in .. the transition to a low-carbon economy"
🗣️OECD Ministerial on #rbc
Now @OECD Mineral Forum must act for #DecentWork
👉🏾https://tuac.org/news/fighting-for-decent-work-in-the-global-minerals-industry/ https://t.co/c0oFqA7mFV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1651206671077634048
RT @TUACOECD: ✊🏾Trade unions argue for
📢Human rights #HRDDD
for sustainable & responsible mining & minerals industry
👉🏾at @OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains
📖https://tuac.org/news/fighting-for-decent-work-in-the-global-minerals-industry/ https://t.co/2lm8RufKWF
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1651181299007102978
#DecentWork #HRDDD #JusticeTransition
RT @TUACOECD: Trade unions at @OECD to put the case for
✔️Sustainable mining & minerals supply chains including
🟢human rights #DueDiligence
#OECD Forum on Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains https://t.co/BMEQZQkcYT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1650481897158455296
#DecentWork #JustTransition #DueDiligence #HRDDD #OECD
RT @TUACOECD: ⚠️ Climate action & digital revolution relies on critical minerals
But workers in minerals sector need
👉🏾industrial relations & social dialogue
👉🏾binding enforceable rules
To achieve #decentwork
Say #IndustriALL as trade unions kick off @OECD Forum on Responsible Minerals https://t.co/TNw7HDoSUQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1650445887473082369
🫶🏾Thanks to Johanna & the other EU youth delegates who were able to join us for the 61st Commission for Social Development #CSocD61.
We need to center young people in our discussions of #decentwork and reducing inequalities.
RT @GermanyUN: We caught up with one of our UN @YouthDelegates Johanna to get her wrap-up on her time in New York at the UN Headquarters. Johanna represented the German #youth voice at the 61st Commission for Social Development #CSocD61 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1626344913028669440
Full room for the joint 🇪🇺EU-Zambia🇿🇲 #CSocD61 event on #DecentWork.
High-level panelists, social partners, EU youth delegates & the ILO called for the effective implementation of rights at work to reduce inequalities and promote inclusive growth.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1623405089359552517
We need a global commitment to ensure that workers’ rights and their dignity are respected.
On day 2 of the Commission for Social Development #CSocD61, join us for an 🇪🇺EU-Zambia🇿🇲 event on #DecentWork
🗓️7 Feb | 13:30-14:30
📍EU Delegation
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1622697426992697356
The 61st Commission for Social Development #CSocD61 starts 6 February!
Join us Monday for an #IntergenerationalDialogue on SDGs & #DecentWork with youth delegates, UN officials & experts on ageing.
🗓️6 Feb | 13:15-14:30
📍UNHQ - CR 5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1621566145160527872
#CSoCD61 #IntergenerationalDialogue #DecentWork
Following a busy morning meeting with @eucopresident , 🇪🇺 Ambassador @avalkenburg took part in a launch event of @FAO environmental & social management framework... very much in line with #EU standards, focusing on #gender #climate #environment #health #decentwork....
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eudeleg_rome/status/1620068572310700034
#EU #gender #climate #environment #health #DecentWork
RT @equaltimes: 🇪🇸High value, low pay: the care sector in Spain
🖋️@MJCarmonaLopez 📸@rotingomez
#Spain #CareWorkers #DecentWork #Health #Wages
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1612446988175347720
#Spain #CareWorkers #DecentWork #health #wages
📰The #EESCPlenary adopted @EESC_SOC opinion on Protection from exposure to asbestos at work by @EllenNygren
👉Read more at http://europa.eu/!PX4HFB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1606571631475728385
@EllenNygren @LOSverige @EESC_SOC @nvillumsen @EU_OSHA @wellbeingEU @etuc_ces @EFBWW_ @oliverroepke @Stopcancer_ @SU2C 📰The #EESCPlenary has adopted @EESC_SOC opinion on Protection from exposure to asbestos at work by @EllenNygren
👉Read more at http://europa.eu/!PX4HFB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1603338130782052353
'I want to refer to the value of civil society and the need to defend human rights and #decentwork. Moreover, since we talk about women empowerment it is essential to remember that the digital divide in the Mediterranean area has very much a female face'
@IsblCano #EESCplenary
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1603040882349015043
RT @industriAll_EU: We stand with @UNI_Europa 👇🏻
Let's fix the #PublicProcurement Directive🇪🇺 so that public contracts only go to #DecentWork employers
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1600895192386924544
#publicprocurement #DecentWork
#introduction Among other things, I am interested in #politics #Tradeunionmovement #decentwork #socialdialog #EU #equality #developmentaid
#DevelopmentAid #equality #eu #socialdialog #DecentWork #tradeunionmovement #politics #introduction