Geek Babble—Dabbling in the Game Backlog
I've been playing quite a few games in my backlog. Why don't I talk at length about a few?
#Editorials #Features #Videogames #DeceptionIV:BloodTies #Detroit:BecomeHuman #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #editorial #FireEmblem:ThreeHouses #geekbabble #Journey #NightintheWoods #PhoenixWright:AceAttorney--SpiritofJustice #Pyre #RingFitAdventure #ShinMegamiTenseiV #Twitch #videogames
#editorials #features #videogames #DeceptionIV #detroit #dokidokiliteratureclub #editorial #fireemblem #geekbabble #journey #nightinthewoods #phoenixwright #pyre #ringfitadventure #shinmegamitenseiv #twitch
Geek Babble—Dabbling in the Game Backlog
I've been playing quite a few games in my backlog. Why don't I talk at length about a few?
#Editorials #Features #Videogames #DeceptionIV:BloodTies #Detroit:BecomeHuman #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #editorial #FireEmblem:ThreeHouses #geekbabble #Journey #NightintheWoods #PhoenixWright:AceAttorney--SpiritofJustice #Pyre #RingFitAdventure #ShinMegamiTenseiV #Twitch #videogames
#editorials #features #videogames #DeceptionIV #detroit #dokidokiliteratureclub #editorial #fireemblem #geekbabble #journey #nightinthewoods #phoenixwright #pyre #ringfitadventure #shinmegamitenseiv #twitch