100% PROOF THE CCP Overthrew Donald Trump in 2020 & more Candidates!!! And I’d put Money on MOST of the 2022 Midterms as well
Wendy Rogers on Twitter...
Good afternoon. The Democrats are crooks and communists. They will steal New Jersey and they tried to steal Virginia. That is all. #AuditAll50States #Decertify2020 #PerpWalksNow
#auditall50states #Decertify2020 #PerpWalksNow
#ElectionIntegrity #DecertifyTheFraud #GA #VotingFraud #FreeAndFairElections #SaveAmerica Prosecute the criminals #Decertify2020
#Decertify2020 #saveamerica #FreeAndFairElections #votingfraud #ga #DecertifyTheFraud #electionintegrity