#ICYMI from my blog: #DeckReview: "The Zombie Tarot"
#Tarot #ZombieTarot #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch #zombies
#zombies #witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #zombietarot #tarot #DeckReview #icymi
From my blog, #DeckReview "Tarot V."
#Tarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch #vampire #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #TarotV
#tarotv #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #vampire #witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarot #DeckReview
#ICYMI on my blog: #DeckReview: "Celtic Tarot" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/08/deck-review-celtic-tarot.html
#Tarot #CelticTarot #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #Celtic #witch
#witch #celtic #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #celtictarot #tarot #DeckReview #icymi
New on my blog: #DeckReview: "Pulp Tarot" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/08/deck-review-pulp-tarot.html
#Tarot #PulpTarot #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch
#witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #pulptarot #tarot #DeckReview
New on my blog: #DeckReview: "Jack O'Lantern Tarot" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/06/deck-review-jack-olantern-tarot.html
#Tarot #JackOLanternTarot #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #Halloween #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch
#witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #halloween #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #JackOLanternTarot #tarot #DeckReview
New on my blog: #DeckReview: "Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracle" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/06/deck-review-art-through-eyes-of-soul.html
#OracleCards #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #Tarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #reading
#reading #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #tarot #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #oraclecards #DeckReview
New on my blog: #DeckReview: "The Zombie Tarot" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/06/deck-review-zombie-tarot.html
From my review: "If you like zombies with a bit more humorous element and/or you enjoy decks with a vintage aesthetic, especially the 1950s-1960s, you will probably enjoy this deck."
Check out the full review including card photos.
#Tarot #reviews #books #reading #zombies #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #horror #vintage
Pub. by #QuirkBooks
#quirkbooks #vintage #horror #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #zombies #reading #books #reviews #tarot #DeckReview
New on my blog: #DeckReview: "Tarot de la Santa Muerte" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/04/deck-review-tarot-de-la-santa-muerte.html
#Tarot #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #SantaMuerte #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #Mexico #Mexican #LatinAmerica #reading
#reading #latinamerica #mexican #mexico #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #santamuerte #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #tarot #DeckReview
New on my blog, #DeckReview: "Steampunk Tarot: Wisdom From the Gods of the Machine." https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/04/deck-review-steampunk-tarot-wisdom-from.html
#Tarot #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #SteampunkTarot #WisdomFromTheGodsOfTheMachine #steampunk #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #reading
#reading #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #steampunk #wisdomfromthegodsofthemachine #steampunktarot #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #tarot #DeckReview
A new #DeckReview on my blog: "The Halloween Tarot" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/04/deck-review-halloween-tarot.html
#Tarot #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #HalloweenTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen
#heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #HalloweenTarot #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #tarot #DeckReview
#ICYMI new #review on my blog: "Deck Review: Green Oracle Cards." https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/03/deck-review-green-oracle-cards.html
#DeckReview #GreenOracle #OracleCards #Tarot #ItinerantLibrarian #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #reading
#reading #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ItinerantLibrarian #tarot #oraclecards #greenoracle #DeckReview #review #icymi
New on my blog: "#DeckReview: Deviant Moon Tarot" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2022/11/deck-review-deviant-moon-tarot.html
#ItinerantLibrarian #Tarot #DeviantMoonTarot #reviews #cartomancy #divination
#divination #cartomancy #reviews #DeviantMoonTarot #tarot #ItinerantLibrarian #DeckReview
New on my blog: "Deck Review: Tarot Apokalypsis" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2022/08/deck-review-tarot-apokalypsis.html
#Tarot #reviews #DeckReview #BookReview #ItinerantLibrarian #BookBloggers #cartomancy #divination #reading
Deck published by Lo Scarabeo; distributed in the US by Llewellyn.
#reading #divination #cartomancy #BookBloggers #ItinerantLibrarian #bookreview #DeckReview #reviews #tarot
New on my blog: "Deck Review: Tarot De La Nuit"
#Tarot #reviews #DeckReview #TarotDeLaNuit #ItinerantLibrarian #cartomancy #divination
#divination #cartomancy #ItinerantLibrarian #TarotDeLaNuit #DeckReview #reviews #tarot