@m0xEE @useless_idiot and building wall around russian empire is kinda mean, this means enslaved nations, Chechnya, Tatarstan, Buryatia etc will be trapped in toxic russian culture forever. The only way out is to #DecolonizeRussia
“Russians began voting in unauthorised independence referendums in five regions of the country on Thursday, as part of a campaign to promote secession from Moscow’s rule.
“The online vote organised by umbrella group the Post-Russia Forum covers Siberia, the Urals, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar and Ingria.”
Source: the i newspaper
Nika Gvaramia Fighting for Georgia
#DecolonizeRussia #JusticeForNikaGvaramia
#DecolonizeRussia #justicefornikagvaramia #georgia
Found in FB. Russia for Russians? Sure, this is the red bit. All the yellow bits read “somebody else’s land” #russia #decolonizerussia #decoloniserussia
#russia #DecolonizeRussia #decoloniserussia
The benefits of Russia’s coming disintegration #Decolonizerussia #russia
Decolonize russia into 25-35 states #russia #Decolonizerussia https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ethnic-minorities-independence-ukraine-war/32210542.html
Interview with @JBugajskiUSA highly recommend to watch, and it is in English. #decolonizerussia #decolonization #decolonizingrussia
RT @UMN_ua
Відеоновини ▶️ ІНЕСПРОМОЖНА ДЕРЖАВА | інтерв'ю з Янушем Бугайським та Стефком Бандерою https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSWaZS0ciGg&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SKRYPIN
#DecolonizeRussia #decolonization #decolonizingrussia
Watching Western voices explain to colonized nations why any efforts toward independence are doomed to failure is jarring—especially when they come from white, European voices. But it’s of a type with a phenomenon that’s gained popularity in recent years: “#Westsplaining.” As Jan Smoleński and Jan Dutkiewicz explained in The New Republic earlier this year, this phenomenon sees “people from the Anglosphere loudly foisting their analytical schema and political prescriptions” on regions formerly colonized by Moscow. While Smoleński and Dutkiewicz focused primarily on Eastern Europe—and especially the Western voices telling Ukrainians to give up, to cede territory, and to return to Moscow’s embrace—it’s not difficult to extend this framing to those in Washington, London, and Paris who are suddenly explaining to those colonized nations that are still suffering under the Kremlin’s dictatorship why they have no choice but being tethered to Moscow, at least for decades to come.
#westsplaining #DecolonizeRussia
This is great start. C-24 (Special Committee on Decolonization in UN) need to be involved as well. https://www.un.org/dppa/decolonization/en/c24/about #decolonizerussia
RT @freenationsrf
"Memorandum End of Existence of Russian Federation" was signed on Free Nations of #PostRussia Forum 8.12.2022 on the 31st anniversary of the agreements,which de jure put an end to the existence of the USSR)🔥
The task is to implement everything wr…
@terio Not sure about ideology, more like a way of life. Explanation from Kamil Galeev thread https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1600551806429544452 why russian world always turns into genocide and destruction
RT Irkuck 🇵🇱
Please be ready for the final dissolution of the Terrorist State #PostRussia #DecolonizeRussia
So you can't have open society if you are colonial empire. You can't be not corrupt if you are not open society. This means that option of being great country is not available for russia. It ill always be a country of pus and blood, and the only way out is to #Decolonizerussia
In the name of #Moksha folk, the "Toraman Terdemas" editors expresses deep condolences to our #Udmurt neighbors on the anniversary of the death of Albert Razin. 3 years ago, on September 10, on the central square of the city of Izhkar, he committed a rejected act of self-immolation, finding no other way to preserve the sovereign rights of the indigenous folk in the Russian Federation.
This is a great loss not only for our neighbors, the Udmurts, but also for all Finno-Ugric peoples, who right now continue to stubbornly Russify and assimilate, and also send them to a war that is not ours. Albert Razin single-handedly protested against the destruction of his native language, traditions and culture, the abolition of the teaching of Udmurt tongue in schools; then they did not hear him, but today they are trying to forget.
An outstanding linguist sacrificed himself in the name of his people and their language, and his public death became a fiery testament both to the Udmurts, and probably to us, Mokshas, who are ashamed of their roots. One of the last words of the faithful son of the Udmurt folk Albert Razin were the following: «Burn, empire! Live, my people».
His death is a sign for all indigenous peoples (including Finno-Ugric peoples) – each of us personally is not needed by anyone except ourselves, therefore it is necessary to return to a full-fledged struggle for our national identity!
#DecolonizeRussia #udmurt #moksha
Quote from #Dugin , btw
We can only stop where we can be stopped. This is what the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union have always done. Whenever we stopped our outward expansion, Russia immediately began to crumble. In it, unrest and revolution began. Expansion is the law of Russia's existence. It is doomed to either be an empire or not exist at all.
Jamestown Foundation analyst Janusz Bugajski, who participated online at the forum with the presentation of his recent book, Failed State: A Guide to Russia’s Rupture, pointed out a crucial paradox: “Western fear of ‘Russia’s collapse’ is remarkably in tune with the #Kremlin’s own narratives—its propagandists also keep saying that, if the #Moscow empire collapses, then global chaos will ensue. But geopolitical revolutions happen regardless of the Kremlin’s desires or the Western belief in a ‘permanent’ status quo”
#PostRussia #DecolonizeRussia
#DecolonizeRussia #PostRussia #moscow #kremlin
So is #Russophobia bad? No, it is a response to the deeply-rooted Russian aggressive nationalism that has now evolved into full-blown nazism.
End of thread.
Is Nazi phobia bad?
#DecolonizeRussia #russophobia
In this war, russia is genociding #indigenouspeople inside russian empire as well
#DecolonizeRussia #indigenouspeople
Free Nations of Russia Forum, #Prague
Free Nations is a platform for bringing together municipal and regional leaders, members of the opposition movements of the Russian Federation, representatives of national movements, activists, the expert community, and everyone who is aware of the need for an immediate transformation of #Russia. We discuss ways for structural changes in society, develop a plan of specific actions, concentrate resources and coordinate efforts for maximum efficiency in achieving our goals.
#Forum participants develop approaches to the independent post-Putin nation states transitional administrations and governments creation, discuss minimizing risks of uncontrolled collapse in key sectors (including demilitarization with a complete rejection of the nuclear arsenal), form the new European collective security architecture and develop policies of peaceful, good-neighborly coexistence of the new independent republics of Russia and neighboring countries.
Among the Forum main focus areas are:
- De-imperialization and #Decolonization
- Deputinization and #Denazification
- Demilitarization and Denuclearization
- Economic and Social changes
#DecolonizeRussia #denazification #decolonization #forum #russia #prague