On every level here, on the part of the school, the cops, the DA, the courts, the journalists,
there seems to be an extreme lack of respect for teenagers.
There was an appalling invasion of privacy here.
That kind of thing should be shut down and never tolerated anywhere.
#StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults #DecriminalizeSexting #EndThePoliceState #RespectPrivacy #Teenagers #InvasionOfPrivacy #Cops
#respectprivacy #invasionofprivacy #cops #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults #DecriminalizeSexting #EndThePoliceState #teenagers
We absolutely must decriminalize sexting
Everything about this case is appalling, and none of this shit could ever have happened without an anonymous tip, which made do-gooders run around destroying everyone because they had to "protect" them.
#DecriminalizeSexting #Decriminalize #Sexting #appalling#anonymous #DoGooders #destroying #ColoradoSun #Brush #EasternColorado #Colorado
#appalling #dogooders #colorado #decriminalize #sexting #DecriminalizeSexting #destroying #coloradosun #brush #EasternColorado