Sanction characters possess key skills and resources that make teamwork important to cover a spectrum of challenges. But the interesting stuff often happens when challenges falter, and consequences result.
This #ActualPlay is for #DeeSanction, but it's a fine tale and has various examples of where a falter nevertheless leads to progress and problems (a few of which involve damp trousers).
Sanction Kickstarter:
Actual Play on YouTube:
Christmas is coming, the Shoggoth's getting fat, and DriveThruRPG is where the discounts are at!
Both Cthulhu Hack and The Dee Sanction figure in the bargains available with the Christmas in July sale.
#CthulhuHack #DeeSanction #TTRPG
#cthulhuhack #DeeSanction #ttrpg
I'm a #freelance #TTRPG #writer on #PARANOIA #Symbaroum #Liminal #Trophy #TheTerminator #NightsBlackAgents
I write #RPG stuff, including the award-winning #DeeSanction - a game of #Elizabethan #supernatural #investigation - and the #ENNIE nominated #CthulhuHack - a hack of #BlackHack for diving into the #CosmicHorror of #HPLovecraft
I'm a full-time #BusinessAnalyst working on #ITOutsourcing using #Agile #SixSigma #BPMN
I enjoy #Elizabethan #History #DoctorWho #StarTrek #StarWars
#freelance #ttrpg #writer #paranoia #symbaroum #liminal #Trophy #theterminator #NightsBlackAgents #rpg #DeeSanction #Elizabethan #supernatural #investigation #ennie #cthulhuhack #blackhack #cosmichorror #hplovecraft #BusinessAnalyst #itoutsourcing #agile #sixsigma #bpmn #history #doctorwho #startrek #starwars
Going to run a Dee Sanction game in Dec, one of the official modules #DeeSanction #JohnDee #ttrpgs
Voting is underway on my Discord, so let's see which one is most popular then I can ignore it and run the one I want to 😐
This weeks rpg mashup is Dee Sanction and ideas ripped from Dogs in the Vineyard
Unraveling from Dee is getting a major over haul and borrowing ideas of using hats as armour from Frontier Scum
Basically a mix of genre ideas from Dee, Ditv, Inquisitor, Judge Dredd, Delta Green, Esoterrorists and of course Westerns
You are a 'Dog', protect the flock from false doctrine and solve problems by any means necessary
#ttrpg #wildwest #theenglish #DeeSanction