Deep Canvassing works! Interesting new report just out! #politics #elections #strategy #DeepCanvassing
”the unlikely voters that CTC speak with vote at a rate 15% higher than those we don’t reach. If CTC’s deep canvassers could have reached 100,000 of the Philadelphians who didn’t vote in 2020, would 15,000 more people have voted? In states that are regularly won on the margins, that could be a total game changer!”
#politics #elections #strategy #DeepCanvassing
Speaking of incredible people doing important work on #ClimateInAlberta, we're always happy to have Melanie Hoffman of @Reality_Canada on. Learn more about the #AlbertaTalks #DeepCanvassing initiative & how YOU can make a difference!
#Climate #ClimateChange #NetZero #yyc #abpoli #cdnpoli #Urbanism #WarOnCars #CityBuilding #NetZero #ClimateCorps
#climateinalberta #albertatalks #DeepCanvassing #climate #climatechange #netzero #yyc #abpoli #cdnpoli #urbanism #waroncars #citybuilding #climatecorps
@rato There are 3 things that could help you get them on your side:
1. #StreetEpistemology
2. #DeepCanvassing
3. #AttitudeInoculation
It's important to make allies, and these are modern ways of doing it.
#AttitudeInoculation #streetepistemology #DeepCanvassing
@khoji @Remittancegirl That's what I thought at first, but after observing and pondering, I changed my mind. If anything, a worse pandemic would make the conspiracy theorists dig in their heels and be even more intractable. They would see it as even stronger evidence that they were correct all along, and it was created in a lab for nefarious purposes.
The conspiracy type thinking is contagious like a computer virus, and like a virus, it takes over the entire central processor. This not only has the immediate effects like pandemic denial or climate change denial, but it also has long term detrimental effects like voting for the Leopards-Eat-Your-Face Party.
So if we consider the conspiracy thinking as a form of memetic contagion, we can see that logic and reason won't have any more effect than they would on an actual pathogen. So to follow the analogy, what we need is to "vaccinate" the vulnerable against conspiracy theeories, and cure those already infected by constructing a contagious, self-replicating counter- meme.
#AttitudeInoculation #DeepCanvassing
#AttitudeInoculation #StreeEpistemology #DeepCanvassing
@sindarina When he says, "there is terrible power in a joke, in a story..." the power he is refering to is called the Power of Narrative. Humans are story telling creatures, and that's why stories and jokes have that power. Everyone on the side of progress should learn about #DeepCanvassing to harness that power for good instead of evil.
In reading about #DeepCanvassing, it’s important to create a space for people to reason through why they think, what they think.
Oftentimes viewpoints are adopted based on the tribe one chooses to affiliate with and without any significant analysis of a position. When one asks a person to reflect on a particular idea in a non judgmental environment, it can create the conditions for a change of heart
Thanks for the rec. I’ll check it out
I think practitioners of #DeepCanvassing would encourage against argument. Their view is that most folks are emotionally attached to their positions and only a moderate, conversational, and sharing approach can open them up to alternative positions
That said, I think argument is valuable when parties involved have a deep devotion to fact, humility, and an open and inquiring mind
3) If you want to take a deeper dive on the subject of #DeepCanvassing and other persuasion techniques, I strongly recommend reading “How Minds Change” by David McRaney - one of my favorite #books of 2022
This approach rather than yelling and bludgeoning people with facts is shown to move people in meaningful ways. You’re not gonna move views by 10% on charged issues, but if you’re good, 2% - 5% is doable. In #USPolitics that kind of movement is huge
#DeepCanvassing #books #uspolitics #howto #book
2) If you’re not familiar with #DeepCanvassing, it’s a technique used to engage people with viewpoints you’d like to change by engaging in non judgmental conversations. Learning why people believe what they believe and asking them to reflect on their personal experiences.
The Vox article below is a good introduction to the technique
I’d like to believe truth telling would change how Americans interact politically, but I think that is a well intentioned idea but flawed.
The #GOP messaging machine has battered and overwhelmed truth with simplistic emotive messaging
Restoring fidelity to truth is not simple but can be cracked using #DeepCanvassing is the approach
I live in the Boston Area with my spouse and child, and am a university lecturer teaching courses in #GIS and #FoodSystems.
I am a #CarFree #bicycle commuter, and like #nature observation, #foraging, making #crafts, #DeepCanvassing, and talking about #BigIdeas.
In my academic life, I do a lot of computer modeling, and I'm a big fan of #SystemsDynamics thinking. I used to hang out with the #STS folks at Harvard, which has helped shape my thinking.
#sts #systemsdynamics #bigideas #DeepCanvassing #crafts #foraging #nature #bicycle #carfree #foodsystems #gis #introduction