Wieder diese Aufregung in meiner grünen Blase. Die Kritik kommt ja zuverlässig wie erwartbar - ist aber ob ihrer offensichtlichen Evidenz (es stimmt ja) ohne Nachrichtenwert.
Der betreffende Song #Layla ist ein stumpfsinniger Stampfsong, ja! Früher war die #CDU eher für Hochkultur zuständig. Nun gröhlt #DanielGünther halt mal.
Schlimmer: Heute noch werden Songstrophen wie die 2. von #DeepPurple's #HighwayStar gesungen - von Frauen:
Siehe 1:10
#layla #cdu #danielgunther #DeepPurple #highwaystar
@Diluvium1976 @sarahbosetti
Ich habe #ChatGPT benutzt, um die unerträgliche zweite Strophe von Highway Star von #DeepPurple umzudichten. Wenn ich diesen Song vortrage, dann erzählt die 2.Strophe nunmehr von meinem ultrascharfen Fahrrad, das den Verkehrskollaps besser meistert, als - wie in der Originallyrik - von zuckenden Mündern höriger Mitmenschen.
Will sagen: guter Beitrag!, der zu beleuchten versucht, wie sexuell & geistig unreif doch viele unserer liebgewordenen Popikonen waren bzw sind.
Yläasteaikoina alkoi raskaamman musiikin kuuntelu. Deep Purple valloitti levylautasen. Kaverillani Matilla oli valtava levykokoelma ja hänen suuri suosikkinsa oli juuri Purple. Kaikki mahdottomatkin konserttibootlegit löytyi. En tiedä mistä hän levynsä hommasi tuolloin 80-luvun vaihteessa ennen internettiä.Tykkäsin ja tykkään edelleen Purplesta, mutta aina ei jaksanut kahdettakymmenettä versiota Child in Timesta, jossa oli vähän erilainen soolo😃 #musiikki #levyt #DeepPurple #seponlevyt
#seponlevyt #DeepPurple #levyt #musiikki
"Machine Head" by Deep Purple, released 25/03/1972
Finally something other than Black Sabbath is happening!
So, I believe the general consensus is that Deep Purple, even in their Machine Head time, wasn't really a heavy metal band. They used to do psychedelic rock, and this album is more of a hard rock one, but there are some metal-ish tracks, and metal bands for decades to come were to get inspired by it, so that's why it's present in my metal journey.
Deep Purple is a legendary band, and their biggest hits come from this album, namely Smoke on the Water and Highway Star. Even if you believe you know nothing from Deep Purple, go listen to Smoke on the Water and I can pretty much guarantee that you will know the intro riff, if nothing else. The funny thing about these two songs is that the themes are quite surprising (at least in my opinion): Highway Star is about... a car (and sure, that's a classic rock theme, but also pretty bland I think?), and Smoke on the Water is about the crazy but true story of the band's recording studio (a Swiss hotel) burning to the ground mere hours before they were to record this album. Great that they were able to turn this annoying experience into a huge hit!
But there's more to this album than these two amazing classics! I love most of the songs, except maybe Lazy because a 4min long instrumental before any lyric happens is a bit too much for me, and When A Blind Man Cries because I'm not into (apparently mandatory?) rock ballads. On the other hand, Never Before is definitely one of my top favorites, and actually it was the first single to be released from this album!
Overall this was a really good album! A lot of great, solid rock songs that became classics. What's also interesting is that there's a lot of organs and harmonica solos in it. It's not really my thing but it works pretty well here.
#ikolDiscoversMetal #DeepPurple
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