“'as international opposition to deep-sea mining grows, more and more companies and investors are rightly backing out, realising that the risks are too high and the damage would be enormous.'
That damage may include the release of more carbon stored in deep sea sediment. According to a report released by EJF, the deep sea is a crucial carbon sink, with the ocean absorbing over a quarter of all human-generated CO₂ emissions."
The Tyee: Inside the Quest to Chart the Seafloor by 2030 https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/09/04/Inside-Quest-To-Chart-Seafloor/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #TheDeepestMap:TheHigh-StakesRacetoCharttheWorld'sOceans #InternationalSeabedAuthority #chemosyntheticenvironments #Clarion-Clippertonzone #FiveDeepsExpedition #CassieBongiovanni #TheDeepestMapbook #PuertoRicoTrench #Titansubmersible #LauraTrethewey #deepseamining #RobertBallard #VictorVescovo #OceanGateCEO #StocktonRush #MarieTharp
#BCNews #TheTyee #thedeepestmap #internationalseabedauthority #chemosyntheticenvironments #clarion #fivedeepsexpedition #cassiebongiovanni #thedeepestmapbook #puertoricotrench #titansubmersible #lauratrethewey #DeepSeaMining #robertballard #victorvescovo #oceangateceo #stocktonrush #marietharp
Faut-il Miner les Fonds Marins ? 🌊 - Avec un biologiste de l'Ifremer ! 👨🔬
Connaissez-vous le Deep Sea Mining ❓
Le deep sea mining désigne le minage en eaux profonds (on parle de 2000 à 6000m !), car on y a découvert des métaux rares. Du cobalt, nickel ou lithium, essentiels pour la conception de batteries de voitures électriques, et donc la transition énergétique.
#DeepSeaMining #ocean #biodiversite #climat #transition
When #DeepSeaMining Come A-Courting
As the #CookIslands embraces the burgeoning industry, deep-sea #mining companies are becoming part of the community’s day-to-day. Can the country avoid the mistakes of resource extraction’s past? For Some Islanders, Deep Sea Mining Evokes #Colonialism.https://hakaimagazine.com/features/when-deep-sea-miners-come-a-courting/
#DeepSeaMining #cookislands #mining #colonialism
"Dozens of mining industry representatives joined government negotiating teams at high-stakes United Nations talks charting the future of controversial deep-sea mining last month."
#DeepSeaMining #mining #unitednations #un
Absent an agreement on the #seabed being the common heritage of humankind, the UN mandated International Seabed Authority (ISA) has been licensing #deepseamining projects in international waters; #China has the most successful applications
Guy Standing (FT) thinks 'there is a distinct risk that we could see what would amount to the biggest resource grab in history'!
Some have argued for a moratorium on #ecological grounds, but the #mining lobby citing the #GreenTransition is gaining ground!
#seabed #DeepSeaMining #china #ecological #mining #GreenTransition
Deep sea mining shouldn’t exist at all — think about it?!! —
It amazes me in a world of climate change, oil spills, poisonous drinking water, animal extinction these companies seriously don’t give a flying fuck!!!
#deepseamining #noonecares #profitoverlife #oil
#DeepSeaMining #noonecares #profitoverlife #oil
#DeepSea #Mining For #EV Metals Is More Harmful Than Previously Thought
Miners are pushing for permission to scrape the seabed for EV battery metals, but the effects of #deepseamining are proving worse than they claim.
#deepsea #mining #ev #DeepSeaMining
Nicht „nur“ Strömungen in Gefahr - it’s the „living ocean“!
Dazu zwei Tipps zum Anschauen, die ich heute entdeckt habe:
Mission Blue (Netflix), eindrucksvolles Porträt der Meeresbiologin Dr Sylvia Earle und ihrer Mission, die Meere zu schützen (dazu auch missionblue.org)
und ganz aktuell zu deep sea mining:
Deep trouble. Mit Sylvia Earle und Yo-Yo Ma 🎻
#ocean #ozean #DeepSeaMining #missionblue #nature #environment
#ocean #ozean #DeepSeaMining #missionblue #nature #environment
"Plans to begin mining the seafloor for metals that could be used in the energy transition have been pushed back to at least next year after a meeting of the U.N.-backed regulator in Jamaica ended without agreement on how the industry would be regulated."
#UN #UnitedNations #Jamaica #Mining #DeepSeaMining
#DeepSeaMining #mining #jamaica #unitednations #un
World nations debate future of deep-sea mining in Jamaica https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/world-nations-debate-future-of-deep-sea-mining-in-jamaica/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #deepseabedmining #deepseamining #mining
#deepseabedmining #DeepSeaMining #Mining
Scores of parliamentarians renew opposition to deep-sea mining at international meeting
Without oceans, no life on earth. The statement is clear. As we, parliamentarians from all around the world, write these words, States are meeting in Kingston for the International Seabed Authority Assembly, where they could decide to prevent the launch of new, massive, oceans-destroying gear used in deep-sea mining.
Update: The launch may be delayed up to 2 years. act now while there is time.
#deepseamining #environmentaldestruction #diversityatrisk #exterminationevent #actnow #climatecrisis
#DeepSeaMining #environmentaldestruction #diversityatrisk #exterminationevent #actnow #ClimateCrisis
Il pincicpio di precauzione è applicato solo alla sfera antropocentrica e poco quando a rischio ci sono la #biodiversità e l'ambiente: come nel caso del #DeepSeaMining #sostenibilità #tutelaambiente #tuteladelmare #ambiente #greenplanner
#biodiversita #DeepSeaMining #sostenibilita #tutelaambiente #tuteladelmare #ambiente #greenplanner
Future of #deepseamining hangs in balance as opposition grows
#Ireland and #Sweden join countries calling for moratorium on extraction of metals from seabed as UN-backed authority prepares for crucial talks https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/08/future-of-deep-sea-mining-hangs-in-balance-as-opposition-grows #ocean #mining
#DeepSeaMining #ireland #sweden #ocean #mining
The clear #corruption of #DeepSeaMining is hinted at in this #DW #PlanetA #report.
The #SecretRace to #BuyTheOceanFloor:
This #PBS #ChangingSeas report, #Mollusks: #MoreThanAShell, includes a small (stunningly beautiful) bit on what deep #sea #mining will disrupt and destroy, including the largest #migration of this #planet, which happens in the dark twice every day.
#blackwaterdiving #Planet #migration #mining #sea #morethanashell #mollusks #changingseas #pbs #buytheoceanfloor #secretrace #report #planeta #DW #DeepSeaMining #Corruption
What an absolutely huge afternoon for #deepseamining. Brazil , Finland  and Portugal all call for a precautionary pause! That’s 21 countries calling for a ban, pause or moratorium on deep-sea mining, with all citing lack of scientific knowledge about the deep sea.
A team of #MarineBiologists and #oceanographers from the University of California, the University of British Columbia, the University of Hawaii and the South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, has found evidence suggesting that fish such as skipjack, yellowfin tuna and bigeye have been changing their migration patterns due to climate change and have begun moving into areas where people plan to start #DeepSeaMining.
#marinebiologists #oceanographers #DeepSeaMining
by #MaddieStone in @grist:
"This month, a small group of diplomats is meeting to hash out a plan that could affect the future of nearly half of Earth’s surface — including regions containing metals that are vital for the energy transition, like nickel, copper, cobalt, and manganese.
"That group is the International Seabed Authority, or ISA, an autonomous international organization tasked with regulating mining on the ocean floor, in waters outside any nation’s jurisdiction. On July 9, the regulatory body missed an important legal deadline to finalize those rules. Now the ISA is scrambling to complete them, or agree to a fall-back plan, before companies start applying for deep-sea mining permits."
#DeepSeaMining #DeepSea #mining #permits #ocean #regulations #InternationalSeabedAuthority #ISA #Grist
#MaddieStone #DeepSeaMining #deepsea #mining #permits #ocean #regulations #InternationalSeabedAuthority #isa #Grist
Technical question re #DeepSeaMining
CEO claims robots pick up one nodule at a time. Video from operations shows a large stream of water dumped in the surface ocean, implying they vacuum up everything.
Who is right? Is there any regulatory fix other than banning it?
The problem is, mining on land is pretty dirty too, and often clashes with indigenous land rights. And even with significant demand cuts under degrowth, we will still need a fairly large amount of minerals for the transition. Granted modern batteries don't use cobalt, but e.g. wind farms do use rare earths.
Developing countries which we have exploited for centuries won't degrow; they have a right to attain something close to our current lifestyle. Medicine depends on technology, and we have too many people to all become subsistence farmers. #ClimateCrisis
Can anyone suggest a good big picture guide to the issues?
#DeepSeaMining #newsnight #ClimateCrisis
" It estimates there is vast mineral wealth embedded in around 7bn tonnes of #PolymetallicNodules sitting on the #seabed within in its territorial waters. Forming over millions of years, the typically black, round potato-sized nodules are rich in #cobalt, #copper, #nickel, and #manganese. "
#CookIslands PM ‘proceeds with caution’ on deep-sea mining as critics warn over risks | #DeepSeaMining | The Guardian
#DeepSeaMining #cookislands #manganese #nickel #copper #cobalt #seabed #polymetallicnodules