01 Net: L’adversaire de Trump à la primaire républicaine utilise l’IA pour simuler la voix de l’ex-président https://www.01net.com/actualites/ladversaire-de-trump-a-la-primaire-republicaine-utilise-lia-pour-simuler-la-voix-de-lex-president.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Politique,Droits #donaldtrump #États-Unis #politique #Deepfake #IA
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Politique #donaldtrump #etats #Deepfake #ia
Going for a jog can be bad for your privacy (but even worse for your health), and Britain's consumer finance champion finds his face is being faked.
All this and more is discussed in the latest edition of the "Smashing Security" podcast by cybersecurity veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault.
Warning: This podcast may contain nuts, adult themes, and rude language.
#cybersecurity #podcast #deepfake #martinlewis #ukraine #russia
#cybersecurity #podcast #Deepfake #martinlewis #ukraine #russia
“A frightening new scam video of MoneySavingExpert.com founder Martin Lewis is circulating on social media, using artificial intelligence to mimic his face AND voice to purportedly promote an app associated with Tesla and Twitter owner Elon Musk. It is completely fake – Martin has nothing to do with it.“
Kotaku: New TikTok Trend Uses AI-Generated Kids To Exploit Real Murder Victims https://kotaku.com/tiktok-ai-kids-murder-victims-trend-true-crime-videos-1850493155 #gaming #tech #kotaku #artificialintelligenceinvideogames #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #entertainment2cculture #academicdisciplines #videosoftware #rollingstone #technology #bytedance #truecrime #articles #deepfake #chatbot #tiktok
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #artificialintelligenceinvideogames #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #entertainment2cculture #academicdisciplines #videosoftware #rollingstone #technology #bytedance #truecrime #articles #Deepfake #chatbot #tiktok
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Rosalía Speaks Out Against Artist Who Shared Fabricated Nude Photos of Her https://jezebel.com/rosalia-speaks-out-against-artist-who-shared-fabricated-1850475252 #Jezebel #artificialintelligenceapplications #applicationsofcomputervision #entertainment2cculture #scarlettjohansson #computergraphics #humansexuality #sexualconsent #rauwalejandro #humaninterest #humanbehavior #pornography #revengeporn #emmawatson #cybercrime #software #deepfake #galgadot
#jezebel #artificialintelligenceapplications #applicationsofcomputervision #entertainment2cculture #scarlettjohansson #computergraphics #humansexuality #sexualconsent #rauwalejandro #humaninterest #humanbehavior #pornography #revengeporn #emmawatson #Cybercrime #software #Deepfake #galgadot
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Trump Reimagines DeSantis' Disastrous Campaign Launch with Hitler and Gay Satan https://jezebel.com/trump-reimagines-desantis-disastrous-campaign-launch-wi-1850474516 #Jezebel #donaldtrump2020presidentialcampaign #economyoftheunitedstates #rondesanctimonious #cristianoronaldo #businesspeople #rondesantis #georgesoros #klausschwab #donaldtrump #adolfhitler #dickcheney #kimjungun #mikepence #desantis #deepfake #timscott #elonmusk #buzzfeed #twitter
#jezebel #donaldtrump2020presidentialcampaign #economyoftheunitedstates #rondesanctimonious #cristianoronaldo #businesspeople #rondesantis #GeorgeSoros #KlausSchwab #donaldtrump #adolfhitler #dickcheney #kimjungun #mikepence #desantis #Deepfake #timscott #elonmusk #buzzfeed #Twitter
#Deepfake video of woman 'returning' after she vanished sparks outrage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12024389/Deepfake-video-woman-returning-13-years-vanished-sparks-outrage.html?ito=native_share_article-top
@georgetakei An AI-generated #@georgetakei shows more style than the Pope. And (mostly) the right number of fingers, too. #MidJourney #AI #puffycoat #deepfake #startrek
#Midjourney #ai #puffycoat #Deepfake #StarTrek
01 Net: Les deepfakes pornographiques : un déplorable business en plein boom https://www.01net.com/actualites/les-deepfake-pornographiques-un-veritable-business-en-plein-boom.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #pornographique #Buzz,société #Deepfake #porno
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #pornographique #buzz #Deepfake #porno
I fear this as well. @gruber
„A dangerous chunk of wingnuts bought into such a conspiracy in 2016 without compelling #deepfake forgeries.
Real recordings will be called fake and fake recordings will be leaked as purportedly real. I don’t think the general population is prepared for this, and I worry that news #media organizations aren’t either.“
Kotaku: Trump Hasn't Been Arrested But AI Images Keep Fooling People https://kotaku.com/did-donald-trump-arrested-today-yet-news-ai-midjourney-1850249881 #gaming #tech #kotaku #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #universalwindowsplatformapps #operatingsystems #ianmilescheong #stormydaniels #worldwideweb #eliothiggins #socialmedia #donaldtrump #software #deepfake #facebook #fakenews #twitter #kotaku
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #universalwindowsplatformapps #operatingsystems #ianmilescheong #stormydaniels #worldwideweb #eliothiggins #socialmedia #donaldtrump #software #Deepfake #facebook #fakenews #Twitter
The twisted tale of the two Teslas, and a deepfake sandwich.
All this and more is discussed in the latest edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast by computer security veterans @gcluley and Carole Theriault.
#cybersecurity #podcast #tesla #Deepfake
Kotaku: Twitch Streamer Caught With Deepfake Porn Of Friends Returns, Wants To Help https://kotaku.com/atrioc-twitch-deepfake-porn-apology-dmca-ai-takedown-1850229681 #gaming #tech #kotaku #digitalmillenniumcopyrightact #twitchstreamersweetanita #artificialintelligence #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #computergraphics #videogameculture #twitchstreamers #morrisonrothman #deepfakesewing #controversies #ryanmorrison #genevieveoh #deepfake #twitchtv #mayahiga #pokimane #internet #anita
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #digitalmillenniumcopyrightact #twitchstreamersweetanita #artificialintelligence #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #computergraphics #videogameculture #twitchstreamers #morrisonrothman #deepfakesewing #controversies #ryanmorrison #genevieveoh #Deepfake #twitchtv #mayahiga #pokimane #internet #anita
"Perhaps you are wiser than you appear, outlander" :D
#morrowind #joerogan #ai #Deepfake #funny #elderscrolls
@jfparis Who captured the video evidence? We have a local cyclist who's capturing car drivers doing dangerous overtakes.
On one hand I'm +1 prosecuting dangerous drivers.
On the other hand, evidence provided by the general public IMHO should be very heavily studied for the likes of modifications prior to a prosecution. I could easily digitally modify the number plates on a moving car in a video by way of an example.
#Deepfake #ai #CV #comptuervision
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Disturbing App That Advertised Emma Watson Deepfake Was Removed From App Stores https://jezebel.com/disturbing-app-that-advertised-emma-watson-deepfake-was-1850203794 #Jezebel #artificialintelligenceapplications #applicationsofcomputervision #technology2cinternet #computergraphics #operatingsystems #sexualconsent #humaninterest #humanbehavior #deeplearning #kattenbarge #pornography #revengeporn #emmawatson #instagram #deepfake #software #nbc
#jezebel #artificialintelligenceapplications #applicationsofcomputervision #technology2cinternet #computergraphics #operatingsystems #sexualconsent #humaninterest #humanbehavior #deeplearning #kattenbarge #pornography #revengeporn #emmawatson #Instagram #Deepfake #software #nbc
Kotaku: Twitch Finally Addresses Porn Deepfake Scandal Over A Month Later https://kotaku.com/twitch-deepfake-statement-atrioc-qtcinderella-pokimane-1850199352 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #danielkeatscitron #videogameculture #computergraphics #twitchstreamers #controversies #humanbehavior #pornography #revengeporn #deepfake #zaraward #pokimane #twitchtv #internet #brandon #anita #ward
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamelivestreaming #internetbroadcasting #danielkeatscitron #videogameculture #computergraphics #twitchstreamers #controversies #humanbehavior #pornography #revengeporn #Deepfake #zaraward #pokimane #twitchtv #internet #brandon #anita #ward
Kotaku: Keanu Reeves Continues To Have The Best Tech Takes https://kotaku.com/keanu-reeves-john-wick-4-deepfake-nfts-contract-ban-1850122781 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #johnnysilverhand #creativeworks #keanureeves #warnerbros #thematrix #epicgames #cyberpunk #deepfake #johnwick #annemoss #reeves #twitch #keanu #films #jetli
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #johnnysilverhand #creativeworks #keanureeves #warnerbros #TheMatrix #epicgames #cyberpunk #Deepfake #johnwick #annemoss #reeves #twitch #keanu #films #jetli
01 Net: Le DJ David Guetta utilise l’IA pour imiter Eminem, le public devient fou [Vidéo] https://www.01net.com/actualites/le-dj-david-guetta-utilise-une-ia-pour-imiter-eminem-le-public-devient-fou.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #intelligenceartificielle #Buzz,société #deepfake #Deepfake #musique #ai
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #intelligenceartificielle #buzz #Deepfake #musique #ai
Kotaku: The Aftermath Of Twitch's Deepfake Porn Scandal https://kotaku.com/twitch-deepfake-porn-atrioc-sweet-anita-qt-cinderella-1850100817 #gaming #tech #kotaku #cybercivilrightsinitiative #computergraphics #chrissychambers #maryannefranks #mitchmcconnell #humansexuality #controversies #humanbehavior #humaninterest #sexualethics #deeplearning #ryanmorrison #pornography #revengeporn #sweetanita #deepfake #mayahiga #pokimane #twitchtv #brandon #twitch #tiktok #ewing
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #cybercivilrightsinitiative #computergraphics #chrissychambers #maryannefranks #mitchmcconnell #humansexuality #controversies #humanbehavior #humaninterest #sexualethics #deeplearning #ryanmorrison #pornography #revengeporn #sweetanita #Deepfake #mayahiga #pokimane #twitchtv #brandon #twitch #tiktok #ewing