Industria bellica S.p.A.: Come fabbricare la guerra infinita – di Rossana De Simone #SIPRI(IstitutodistudisullaPacediStoccolma) #DefenseProductionAct #industriadelladifesa #settoreaerospaziale #industriadellearmi #diariodellacrisi #economiadiguerra #militarizzazione #GeneralDynamics #globalizzazione #JensStoltenberg #NorthropGrumman #RossanaDeSimone #LockheedMartin #spesamilitare #UnioneEuropea
#sipri #DefenseProductionAct #industriadelladifesa #settoreaerospaziale #industriadellearmi #Diariodellacrisi #economiadiguerra #militarizzazione #generaldynamics #globalizzazione #JensStoltenberg #northropgrumman #RossanaDeSimone #lockheedmartin #spesamilitare #unioneeuropea
New fact sheet on #Biden's executive action on domestic clean energy manufacturing. He will:
* Authorize use of the #DefenseProductionAct (DPA) to accelerate domestic production of clean energy technologies, including #solar panel parts;
* use federal government as a purchaser of manufacturing equipment (building a market)
* drop tarifs (for 24 months) on solar components produced in various asian countries.
Not a bad day.
#biden #DefenseProductionAct #solar
"Some government officials expressed concern about the possibility of ordering too many ventilators, leaving them with expensive surplus."
Read the statute! #DefenseProductionAct envisions this possibility. Surplus can go to strategic stockpile, sold to states/other nations, etc
"Some government officials expressed concern about the possibility of ordering too many ventilators, leaving them with expensive surplus."
Read the statute! #DefenseProductionAct envisions this possibility. Surplus can go to strategic stockpile, sold to states/other nations, etc