If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
RT @Heather_z860
If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
I live in an extremely stupid country
#RespectYoungAdults #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #xp #SexPhobia #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent
#genz #agegap #SexPhobia #puritan #youngadults #RespectYoungAdults #geny #millennials #taboo #xp #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #PuritanRevival #consent #AbilityToConsent
RT @Heather_Toast
The age of consent in France is 15.
You think that's problematic?
Okay. Present your case. I'd love to hear it.
#RespectYoungAdults #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #xp #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria https://twitter.com/mrgirlreturns/status/1610908734578110464
#DeficientBrains #RespectYoungAdults #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #AgeOfConsentLaws #xp #teens #teensex #StopTheHysteria #csa #ageofconsent #teenagers
The age of consent in France is 15.
You think that's problematic?
Okay. Present your case. I'd love to hear it.
#RespectYoungAdults #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #xp #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
RT @mrgirlreturns
@war_bird1 @FerventPundit33 @MKelleher1221 Milo Yiannopoulos said it was like a normal part of growing up gay. I don't think that's tr…
#statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #xp #teens #teenagers #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #teensex #AgeOfConsentLaws
Rather than acknowledge the fact that we're reaching adulthood quicker, our society has decided to act like we are children much longer.
A bizarre delusion the widespread myth of "adolescence", a concept with zero scientific foundation.
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #YoungAdults #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #ephebophilia #teens #teenagers #teensex #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #youngadults #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights
Everyone should watch this video.
(btw: her "crime" harmed *no one*)
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #YoungAdults #xp #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#xp #ageofconsent #ephebophilia #teensex #youngadults #rights #RespectYoungAdults #adolescence #geny #DeficientBrains #consent #csa #respect #puberty #stopthehate #AbilityToConsent #genz #millennials #AgeOfConsentLaws #teens #StopTheHysteria #statutoryrape #teenagers
Not that many people are virgins on their 18th birthdays.
That means a lot of minors consent to a lot of sex.
So why does everyone keep repeating "Minors Can't Consent!"???
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #YoungAdults #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#adolescence #stopthehate #geny #genz #millennials #youngadults #DeficientBrains #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #ephebophilia #teenagers #teensex #StopTheHysteria #respect #puberty #consent #AbilityToConsent #RespectYoungAdults #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #teens
The bizarre concept of adolescence is foundational to the bigotry and hate that everybody wants to direct at young adults aged 14 to 24.
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #YoungAdults #xp #DeficientBrains #Consent #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
(pro-tip: adolescence doesn't really exist)
#puberty #teenagers #teensex #RespectYoungAdults #respect #adolescence #stopthehate #youngadults #xp #DeficientBrains #teens #StopTheHysteria #consent
Is Adolescence Variable? Flexible? Random? Is it even real?
Dan Siegel talks about adolescence and makes a giant mess of everything, pretty well proving that the whole concept is garbage.
It is foundational, however, for the bigotry and hate that everybody wants to direct at young adults aged 14 to 24.
#RespectYoungAdults #respect #puberty #adolescence #StopTheHate #YoungAdults #xp #DeficientBrains #Consent #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#RespectYoungAdults #puberty #adolescence #consent #teenagers #teens #teensex #StopTheHysteria #respect #stopthehate #youngadults #xp #DeficientBrains
I think that a lot of Gen Z has actually internalized the idea that they will be complete morons until age 25.
It's horrifying.
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria #DontAcceptHate
#bigotry #youngadults #teens #dehumanize #dehumanization #agency #rights #bully #AgeObsessed #freakout #StopTheHysteria #DontAcceptHate #RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #respect #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #bullying #geny #genz #millennials #agegap #gross #obsessed #ew #xp #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #stopthehate #deficient #DeficientBrains
Age-obsessed Millennials Freak Out Over Nothing
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
#teens #bullying #respect #youngadults #genz #agegap #freakout #ew #deficient #RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigotry #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #agency #rights #bully #gross #StopTheHysteria #bigots #teenagers #AgeObsessed #geny #millennials #obsessed #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #stopthehate #DeficientBrains
Segregation. Disrespect. Denied bodily autonomy. Anti-Teen Bigotry: part 2
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
#deficient #StopTheHysteria #stopthehate #bigots #bigotry #respect #teenagers #genz #gross #ew #xp #powerdynamics #DeficientBrains #dehumanization #millennials #agegap #freakout #obsessed #powerimbalance #RespectYoungAdults #hate #youngadults #teens #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #agency #rights #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #geny
Anti-Teen Bigotry is real, and it's VILE. We need to relearn how to Respect Young Adults.
Don't accept hate.
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria #DontAcceptHate
#AgeObsessed #genz #millennials #agegap #gross #freakout #obsessed #xp #deficient #DontAcceptHate #respect #youngadults #stopthehate #DeficientBrains #RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #agency #rights #bully #bullying #geny #ew #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #StopTheHysteria
What's the motivation for this question everybody keeps asking?
#YoungAdults #puberty #adolescence #Puritan #SexPhobic #Tradition #xp #SexPhobia #MRI #BrainScans #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #StopTheHysteria #StopTheHate #brains #BrainDevelopment #SexualDevelopment #Evolution #Logic #Maladaptive #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex #RespectYoungAdults
#youngadults #adolescence #tradition #brainscans #teens #stopthehate #deficient #puberty #puritan #Sexphobic #mri #teenagers #rights #xp #SexPhobia #respect #StopTheHysteria #brains #braindevelopment #SexualDevelopment #evolution #logic #Maladaptive #bodilyautonomy #agency #DeficientBrains #undeveloped #frontallobe #prefrontalcortex #RespectYoungAdults
"Your brain isn't fully developed until your mid-20s"
is a giant myth.
It was created by click-bait headlines based on junk science.
These four links explain the errors
#RespectYoungAdults #Neurology #teens #teenagers #rights #brains #BrainDevelopment #SexualDevelopment #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex
#neurology #rights #brains #braindevelopment #SexualDevelopment #RespectYoungAdults #teens #teenagers #deficient #bodilyautonomy #agency #DeficientBrains #undeveloped #frontallobe #prefrontalcortex
If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #xp #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #AbilityToConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #youngadults #PuritanRevival #xp #consent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent
Anti-Teen Bigotry is real, and it's VILE. We need to relearn how to Respect Young Adults.
Don't accept hate.
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria #DontAcceptHate
#hate #bigots #bigotry #teenagers #youngadults #AntiTeenBigotry #bully #geny #agegap #freakout #ew #xp #powerimbalance #respect #dehumanize #dehumanization #rights #bullying #AgeObsessed #genz #millennials #gross #DontAcceptHate #RespectYoungAdults #teens #agency #obsessed #stopthehate #StopTheHysteria #powerdynamics #deficient #DeficientBrains
Segregation. Disrespect. Denied bodily autonomy. Anti-Teen Bigotry: part 2
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
#bigots #bigotry #respect #youngadults #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanization #agency #bully #bullying #RespectYoungAdults #hate #teens #dehumanize #genz #millennials #gross #freakout #rights #AgeObsessed #geny #agegap #ew #xp #powerdynamics #deficient #obsessed #powerimbalance #stopthehate #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria