'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (oligarch) rule.
We the people, will not find life, liberty and happiness until we take control!
A plan for your consideration:
Comprehensive #MutualAid will render the government superfluous.
#AnarchoSyndicalism & #ClassUnionism will wrest control of industry from the capitalists.
#GeneralStrikes (production) combined with #ConsumerStrikes (consumption) will undermine capitalism by #DefundCapitalism.
#DirectDemocracy &
#ParticipatoryDemocracy, (derived from federated neighborhood #MutualAid groups) will actuate the people's priorities.
#SystemFail #RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #MutualAid #anarchosyndicalism #classunionism #generalstrikes #consumerstrikes #DefundCapitalism #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy
It's not until you 'wake' to the fact that a forest has no value to capitalists until it's cut down, that you understand the true nature of our dilemma!
#DefundCapitalism #degrowth #SystemFail #wakeb4sunset
People who criticize outcomes from systems (that are specifically designed to produce those outcomes), while praising those systems, are being DISINGENUOUS!
#RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #DefundCapitalism #degrowth #abolishallstates #SystemFail
I really need to set up some stickers and t-shirts and stuff. (It's a bit too late for the xmas rush, but maybe that's a good thing; I dislike playing that game.)
I've used:
Neither of those felt great, but I feel like Spreadshirt was usable and I'll probably default back to that...
...but are there any print-on-demand services that are co-op or at least union?
The human cost of neurotechnology failure
When the makers of electronic implants abandon their projects, people who rely on the devices have everything to lose.
By Liam Drew | 6 December 2022
#SystemFail #wecandobetter #DefundCapitalism
#nowarbutclasswar #degrowth #DefundCapitalism #directdemocracy #Rojava #yemen #kashmir #freepalestine #antifa #lgbtq #ClassStruggleUnionism #RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #cats #bds #libertariansocialism #antireligion #antitheism #AbolitionFeminism
So easy way to resolve the right from infiltrating and brainwashing the population. Force them to exist solely on the dark/deep web on the TOR network and leave the world wide web for the rest of us.
The left will have the world wide web and the right can have the dark/deep web that hardly anyone goes on.
Lets advocate for a future where we are powered by the community not any form of hierarchy or corporation.
#canceltheright #youtubehatestranspeople #defundthepolice #defundcorporatism #defundcapitalism #endthefed #restorepeace #freeminorities
#canceltheright #youtubehatestranspeople #DefundThePolice #defundcorporatism #DefundCapitalism #endthefed #restorepeace #freeminorities
So, If most of my posts are about #SystemFail, #politics, the horrors of #Capitalism, #war and #injustice, should I #CW them all?
Should this post be CW'd?
Should we be coddled to the extent that we feel no arousal or discomfort?
How about symbols?
#nowarbutclasswar #degrowth #DefundCapitalism #SystemFail #politics #capitalism #war #injustice #cw
@garbados ...the obvious reason for that being that the plutocrats have vacuumed up the overwhelming majority of public wealth, so all we have to pay for public service is the loose change we find under the sofa cushions.
#DefundCapitalism #DefundPlutocracy
(dunno if there are any other posts with those hashtags -- but you've got to start somewhere, right?)
#DefundCapitalism #DefundPlutocracy