RT @Shepherds4Good@twitter.com
We must halt the flow of money to these settler organizations at the forefront of forced displacement, apartheid, and settler-colonialism.
Join the Campaign to Defund Racism. http://defundracism.org #DefundRacism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Shepherds4Good/status/1610319942766804994
RT @Shepherds4Good@twitter.com
Learn more about the “charities” working for home demolitions and the displacement of Palestinian communities at http://defundracism.org #DefundRacism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Shepherds4Good/status/1613072107352608774
RT @Shepherds4Good@twitter.com
We must halt the flow of money to these settler organizations at the forefront of forced displacement, apartheid, and settler-colonialism.
Join the Campaign to Defund Racism. http://defundracism.org #DefundRacism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Shepherds4Good/status/1610319942766804994
RT @Shepherds4Good@twitter.com
Will the #EU please stand up?
It is time to take action against to the racist policies and settler organizations lobbying for and enacting violence against the right to education. #DefundRacism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Shepherds4Good/status/1595393506876739588
RT @Shepherds4Good
You don’t need to be in Palestine to stand for justice. Each year, millions of tax-deductible $ flow into the Israeli settler movement, funding propaganda & the creation of ‘facts on the ground’ to exclude Palestinians from their lands. #DefundRacism http://defundracism.org
You want to prevent the Deportation Center at BER airport with us? You want to stop investors and their business partners to profit from deportations and racism?
Then let us make the company Harder & Partner that plans to build the Deporation Center BER be dumped by the Brandenburg parliament and ministry of interior or drop out of the deal themselves. #DumpHarder
#DumpHarder #DefundRacism #StopDeportationCenterBER
RT @Shepherds4Good@twitter.com
WATCH: Israelis attack Palestinians in the Old City of Hebron while Israeli forces protect the settlers. US taxpayers financially support this violence—through military aid as well as tax-deductible charitable donations funneled to settler orgs like the Hebron Fund. #DefundRacism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Shepherds4Good/status/1517573570783846401
RT @Shepherds4Good
On March 30, 1976, these 6 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces while resisting settler-colonial land grabs in the Galilee. Today we remember them by calling for an end to the flow of “charitable” money to Israeli land theft, displacing Palestinians. #DefundRacism
RT @Shepherds4Good@twitter.com
Yesterday, a Palestinian child was assaulted by an Israeli settler on Shuhada street in Hebron. The boy was taken aside, not the settler.
The Hebron Fund takes US “charitable” donations to fund these settlers and build up relationships between them and the military. #DefundRacism
#StopFundingHate #DefundRacism
#DefundRacism #StopFundingHate #差別的な企業の商品は買いません