MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
780 followers · 13835 posts · Server

It is in Paris, Abidjan, Barcelona, Lagos...but it's always time to mock the pigs.

#13h12 #BlackMastodon #blm #DefundThePolice #StopCopCity

Last updated 1 year ago

Escargot 🐌 · @Esacrgot
232 followers · 711 posts · Server

« Des enquĂȘtes menĂ©es dans diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions du monde, dont le QuĂ©bec, tendent Ă  rĂ©vĂ©ler que non seulement la police est un important vecteur et un multiplicateur de violence immĂ©diate et structurelle envers les populations, mais qu’elle n’a pas non plus les vertus prĂ©ventives et dissuasives qu’on lui prĂȘte. De plus, les rĂ©formes Ă©chouent Ă  la rendre plus efficace et moins dangereuse.

La prĂ©sence policiĂšre, indiquent de rĂ©centes Ă©tudes, n’a qu’un effet marginal sur la rĂ©duction des crimes sur la propriĂ©tĂ© et a un impact nul sur les crimes contre la personne. Plus encore, elle tend Ă  accroĂźtre les comportements considĂ©rĂ©s comme dĂ©linquants et Ă  produire et Ă  reproduire une violence directe »


GĂ©rer la violence autrement, ou le court terme sans la police

par Philippe Néméh-Nombré et Ted Rutland et 59 signataires dans Idées dans Le Devoir

#police #acab #DefundThePolice #Abolition #violencespolicieres #criminalite #crime #sociologie #justice

Last updated 1 year ago

Escargot 🐌 · @Esacrgot
229 followers · 690 posts · Server

Ted Rutland, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Concordia et spĂ©cialiste des questions policiĂšres qui est Ă  l’origine de la demande d’accĂšs Ă  l’information, dĂ©plore que les ressources supplĂ©mentaires spĂ©cialement accordĂ©es au SPVM pour contrer la violence armĂ©e soient en fin de compte utilisĂ©es pour financer les activitĂ©s rĂ©guliĂšres du service. « On donne plein de ressources au SPVM pour attaquer un problĂšme fortement mĂ©diatisĂ©, mais c’est difficile de vraiment cibler un problĂšme comme les armes Ă  feu avec des escouades du genre », constate-t-il.

« Bien souvent, ça ne fait que donner libre cours au profilage », ajoute-t-il.


Une escouade pas si dédiée à la violence armée, par Francis Hébert-Bernier dans Pivot

#acab #spvm #police #Montreal #DefundThePolice #Abolition #justice #profilage #racisme

Last updated 1 year ago

Escargot 🐌 · @Esacrgot
229 followers · 689 posts · Server

Ted Rutland, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Concordia et spĂ©cialiste des questions policiĂšres qui est Ă  l’origine de la demande d’accĂšs Ă  l’information, dĂ©plore que les ressources supplĂ©mentaires spĂ©cialement accordĂ©es au SPVM pour contrer la violence armĂ©e soient en fin de compte utilisĂ©es pour financer les activitĂ©s rĂ©guliĂšres du service. « On donne plein de ressources au SPVM pour attaquer un problĂšme fortement mĂ©diatisĂ©, mais c’est difficile de vraiment cibler un problĂšme comme les armes Ă  feu avec des escouades du genre », constate-t-il.

« Bien souvent, ça ne fait que donner libre cours au profilage », ajoute-t-il.


Une escouade pas si dédiée à la violence armée, par Francis Hébert-Bernier dans Pivot

#acab #spvm #police #Montreal #DefundThePolice #Abolition #justice #profilage #racisme

Last updated 1 year ago

CALIgator · @BruceOja
240 followers · 5025 posts · Server
MaddestMax :manjaro: · @MaddestMax
65 followers · 418 posts · Server

@sr Listening to your most recent episode. I feel you made a gaffe in your report on NYPD using drones. You forgot to mention the fact that the NYPD is under massive budget cuts due to the geniuses behind the movement. Regardless of how you feel about the policing system, you cut their boots on the ground budget, you get drones. If we as a populous don’t see the game book here, we’re being blind.


Last updated 1 year ago

MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
774 followers · 13683 posts · Server

Salut, je suppose que tu connais le travail de Gwenola Ricordeau.

Elle est surtout connue pour son travail de chercheuse sur mais elle est aussi extrĂȘmement active dans le milieu abolitionniste, aux USA et aussi en France.

Elle est assez accessible sur son compte (Twitter malheureusement).

Sinon, il y a un journaliste, Pierre Bafoil, qui a fait une série d'articles trÚs bien fichus et trÚs documentés fin 2022 début 2023 sur les prisons françaises dans "Les jours".

Lui aussi est accessible via touiteur.

Bon courage, les prisons françaises sont dans un état tellement lamentable que la France se fait aligner quasiment tous les ans par la LDH et les instances de l'ONU.


Last updated 1 year ago

Liz Shayne · @LizShayne
116 followers · 416 posts · Server

“Let me just refocus one more time and say: defunding the police is good policy. We all know that what it actually means is “don’t spend money on cops to solve social problems that they can’t solve—spend that money in ways that can actually address these complex problems.” “


Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
887 followers · 9702 posts · Server

by :

"I will never stop being mad at the Democratic Party over their response to the 'Defund the Police' movement. I’m sorry. I’ve written about this before. But we are still paying ever increasing social debts for the party’s cynical, cowardly, and thoughtless approach to an issue that required a measure of bravery and thoughtfulness. And there is new data that reinforces just how disgusted we should be.

"Briefly, because I know the well-worn pathways that the discussion of this issue usually follows, let me explain why this issue in particular makes me want to set a large portion of the Democratic Party apparatus, including much of its pundit intelligentsia, adrift on a raft in an endless sea. It is not just the grotesque optics of all those Congressional Democrats joining BLM marches and taking a knee in the Capitol rotunda and then proceeding to make running against any actual defunding of the police a prominent plank of their election efforts the very same year. (And, still, now, ongoing.) It is the way that a genuine moment of opportunity for meaningful social change was thrown away by the party whose job it is to facilitate that change for some of the stupidest reasons I have ever witnessed."

#hamiltonnolan #DefundThePolice #police #racism #blacklivesmatter #blm #democraticparty #democrats #uspolitics #uspol #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
800 followers · 21837 posts · Server
Escargot 🐌 · @Esacrgot
224 followers · 598 posts · Server

« Partout dans le monde, des milliers de personnes (manifestant·es ou passant·es) ont Ă©tĂ© mutilĂ©es et des dizaines d’autres tuĂ©es suite Ă  l'utilisation abusive d’armes Ă  lĂ©talitĂ© rĂ©duite en manifestation. » -Amnesty International

abolir ou encadrer ces armes?
abolir la police oui!

#DefundThePolice #Abolition #droitdemanifester #acab #armesletalitereduite #RepressionPoliciere

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi đŸ„š · @Gigi
421 followers · 4994 posts · Server

Meet Joseph Picken.
âŹ†ïž âŹ†ïž âŹ†ïž âŹ†ïž âŹ†ïž

He threw white paint all over me, then claimed he was assaulted.


55 division took his word for it and didn't even take a report on what he did. Maybe they would like to talk to some other people instead of me.

Here are some phone numbers:

Contact 55 Division
24 hours/day, 7 days/week

Superintendent Kim O'Toole
Unit Commander

Inspector Michael Hayles
2nd in Command

Staff Sergeant Murray Barnes
Neighbourhood Officer Unit Manager

(Edited because it's "Picken" singular.)

#ialreadydidntlikecops #policedontkeepussafe #policedontpreventcrime #DefundThePolice

Last updated 1 year ago

Mary Austin · @MaryAustinBooks
633 followers · 4930 posts · Server

Republicans trying to again.

Even if they managed to, you know we'd crowdsource that. I'd sell a kidney to keep this investigation going.

#lawandorder #trumpindictment #DefundThePolice

Last updated 1 year ago

Radio Dreyeckland · @RDL
1628 followers · 602 posts · Server

@ndaktuell Bei uns gab es 2021 eine 9-teilige Reihe zu institutionalisierter in der Polizeiarbeit und alternativen AnsÀtzen. Was ist ? Wieso ist Polizei? Und was könnte es stattdessen geben? Nachhören lohnt sich!

#podcast #diskriminierung #polizei #DefundThePolice #abolutionismus #polizeiproblem

Last updated 1 year ago

Escargot 🐌 · @Esacrgot
211 followers · 439 posts · Server
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1728 followers · 26847 posts · Server

Unfortunately, for arrogant - also the president - not a rookie - just an egotistical asshat - is slowly finding out - he fucked with the wrong POC immunocompromised family this time. His shitty decisions are hurting & will hurt his entire family & career. All because he was abusing badge & seniority & will cost Saanich a lot of monies.


#antimasker #saanichpolice #saanichpoliceunion #saanich #police #DefundThePolice

Last updated 1 year ago

Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1509 followers · 14047 posts · Server

In one small , it was proven that who begin stops of by issuing commands rather than explanations are more likely to escalate.

The rate of traffic stops for in this undisclosed was much too small to be able to provide that would be relevant...

and fully fund and , instead.

No traffic , anywhere.

#Police #armed #Education #socialservices #DefundThePolice #ACAB #ftp #statistically #Data #city #motorists #white #drivers #black #traffic #cops #study

Last updated 1 year ago

Blank Frank · @blankfrank
82 followers · 363 posts · Server


Two wishes.
Wijde Heisteeg, Amsterdam

#Weather #Graffiti #StreetArt #DefundThePolice #Amsterdam

Last updated 1 year ago

CygnusX11 :arch: :lxde: :fsf: · @cygnusx11
72 followers · 406 posts · Server

Hello everyone, got some new . For my and but also folk out there. 1st Tatoo is Linux First binary translates “refuse” and 2nd “resist”

#ink #nerds #geeks #activism #arch #archlinux #archbtw #binarycode #fuckracism #DefundThePolice

Last updated 1 year ago

ted cutezynskiÂč · @shrugdealer
1117 followers · 11095 posts · Server

Like, sorry, if you're shouting but still advocating for a system of government, even if it's not specifically capitalism, you're still going to have law enforcement to make it happen. . Period. That's it.

#DefundThePolice #acab

Last updated 1 year ago