taz Artikel "Erderwärmung und Degrowth: Schneller, weiter, stopp"
#Degrowth #suffizienz #sufficiency
Greetings from the #LeftCoast!
Despite the hype about #globalwarming, this has been the coldest winter weather in over 30 years.
It's also been the coldest political season, as well, with entrenched development interests driving construction of tall tower blocks in response to unaffordable housing and #homelessness.
Local county government continues to be dominated by #whiteprivilage and #environmental ignorance.
We desperately need #Degrowth, #population reduction, #rightliving.
#rightliving #population #Degrowth #environmental #whiteprivilage #homelessness #globalwarming #leftcoast
SRSLY Wrong’s Library Socialism Q&A
In the latest podcast episode from SRSLY Wrong on Library Socialism, they answer some questions about how they envision a society shaped around this politics working.
#degrowth #FullyAutomatedLuxuryCommunism #LibrarySocialism #SrslyWrong
#SrslyWrong #LibrarySocialism #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #Degrowth