Who wants to play, "How Much Chinese Malware is actually on all of the major Social Media platforms”?! 😂
#DeleteFacebook #DeleteTwitter #DeleteX #DeleteMeta #DeleteInstagram #DeleteTikTok #DeleteLinkedIn #DeleteWhatsApp #DeleteThreads
#deletethreads #deletewhatsapp #DeleteLinkedIn #deletetiktok #deleteinstagram #DeleteMeta #deletex #deletetwitter #deletefacebook
Zuckerberg seine Twitter Clone #Threads sammelt alle möglichen Daten von Dir ein...
Ich glaube ja, wer nackt durch die Innenstadt geht, der besitzt mehr Datenschutz!
#Meta #Feta #Zuck #Facebook #WhatsApp #Instagram #DeleteMeta #DeleteFacebook #DeleteWhatsApp #DeleteInstagram #DontInstalThreads #DeleteThreads #FKK
#threads #meta #feta #zuck #facebook #whatsapp #instagram #DeleteMeta #deletefacebook #deletewhatsapp #deleteinstagram #dontinstalthreads #deletethreads #fkk
Content Löscher wegen Auftritt vor Bundestagsausschuss freigestellt.
Natürlich arbeitet er nicht direkt bei Facebook, sondern für eine Drittfirma, damit Faceboo fein raus ist.
"Das Schwierigste ist, dass man wieder und wieder schlimme Dinge sieht - Enthauptungen zum Beispiel oder der Missbrauch von Kindern"
Finally got around to delete my Twitter accounts. Axed instagram too, while at it. Not sure how to deal with my Facebook and LinkedIn social graph yet. Guess I have to hustle and ask everyone for alternative means of contact.
#linkedin #facebook #DeleteMeta #instagram #twitter
There is no rhyme or reason on why it takes so long sometimes, server load and queuing if I was to venture a guess.
I had posts that started in 2009 and removed them year by year. It took less than 4 hours total and I was doing other things so not bad.
That leaves all my comments, likes on groups and other peoples timelines, and donations etc. But it got rid of all my posts. The new timeline is very clean.
I of course created and downloaded an archive.
#deletefacebook #DeleteMeta #facebook
This is going much faster today. About 2-3 minutes to delete an entire year.
1. click on your account icon
2. choose settings & privacy
3. choose activity log
4. click on posts
5. it will grey and reveal submenu choices
6. click on posts again
7. set date filter to a year
8. choose all check box
9. press delete
These sit in your trash for 30 days then get deleted, but they no longer show on your timeline.
#facebook #DeleteMeta #deletefacebook
The best way I can find will allow you to delete a year’s worth of posts in one request. Go through activity log, search for a year and move all to trash.
Once done it takes the system a while. I checked 2010 deletions and 1 hour later it was running 9 hours later it was done. I did not check between. One job at a time limit.
There were 4 posts that survived for some reason, but just sacked 2011, will check timing.
#facebook #DeleteMeta #deletefacebook
Trying to bulk delete posts from Facebook is frustrating....
#Facebook #DeleteMeta
#Zuckerberg so:
"Warum nur Geld mit Werbung verdienen?
Wenn die Leute so doof sind und immer noch #Facebook nutzen, dann zocken wir die doch einfach auch noch ab."
12 Dollar (oder 15 Dollar für #Apple User) im Monat bezahlen
und dann trotzdem immer noch ausspioniert werden?
Das die perfekte Pervertierung des Daten-Kapitalismus.
#Threema reicht zur privaten Vernetzung. Hat über 10 Mio. schlaue User + sammelt keine privaten Daten!
#zuckerberg #facebook #Apple #deletefacebook #deleteinstagram #deletewhatsapp #DeleteMeta #threema
(part 3) There are even people who try to con users into giving them their #personalinformation #privateinformation such as their #socialsecuritynumber #and #bankaccountinformation. #Facebook(#Meta) needs to find a way to stop all of this mess or shut down their so-called #business. #Facebook does not give a hoot about users' #privacy or #security.
#FacebookSucks #MarkZuckergSucks
#markzuckerbergguilty #markzuckergsucks #facebooksucks #DeleteMeta #DeleteFacebook #Security #Privacy #business #Meta #Facebook #bankaccountinformation #and #socialsecuritynumber #privateinformation #PersonalInformation
(part 3) There are even people who try to con users into giving them their #personalinformation #privateinformation such as their #socialsecuritynumber #and #bankaccountinformation. #Facebook(#Meta) needs to find a way to stop all of this mess or shut down their so-called #business. #Facebook does not give a hoot about users' #privacy or #security.
#FacebookSucks #MarkZuckergSucks
#markzuckerbergguilty #markzuckergsucks #facebooksucks #DeleteMeta #deletefacebook #security #privacy #business #meta #facebook #bankaccountinformation #and #socialsecuritynumber #privateinformation #personalinformation
(part 3) There are even people who try to con users into giving them their #personalinformation #privateinformation such as their #socialsecuritynumber #and #bankaccountinformation. #Facebook(#Meta) needs to find a way to stop all of this mess or shut down their so-called #business. #Facebook does not give a hoot about users' #privacy or #security
#FacebookSucks #MarkZuckergSucks
#markzuckerbergguilty #markzuckergsucks #facebooksucks #DeleteMeta #deletefacebook #security #privacy #business #meta #facebook #bankaccountinformation #and #socialsecuritynumber #privateinformation #personalinformation
(part 3) There are even people who try to con users into giving them their #personalinformation #privateinformation such as their #socialsecuritynumber #and #bankaccountinformation. #Facebook(#Meta) needs to find a way to stop all of this mess or shut down their so-called #business. #Facebook does not give a hoot about users' #privacy or #security
#FacebookSucks #MarkZuckergSucks
#markzuckerbergguilty #markzuckergsucks #facebooksucks #DeleteMeta #deletefacebook #security #privacy #business #meta #facebook #bankaccountinformation #and #socialsecuritynumber #privateinformation #personalinformation
#abcnews #cbsnews #nbcnews #foxnews: Please #deletefacebook, NOW!
It's full of #lies, #misinformation, #disinformation, #pornography(not just #adultporn), #animalcruelty #pedophilia, #animalabuse, #childabuse, and a bunch of other #shit. #Facebook(#Meta) is even allowing ACTUAL #pedophiles, #animalabusers, #hackers, #scammers, #and #other #creeps on the #platform!
Facebook(Meta) does not care about users' #privacy
#DeleteFacebook. #DeleteMeta #MarkZuckerbergSucks #MarkZuckerbergLies
#abcnews #cbsnews #nbcnews #foxnews #deletefacebook #lies #misinformation #disinformation #pornography #adultporn #animalcruelty #pedophilia #animalabuse #childabuse #shit #facebook #meta #pedophiles #animalabusers #hackers #scammers #and #other #creeps #platform #privacy #DeleteMeta #markzuckerbergsucks #markzuckerberglies
Please #deletefacebook, NOW!
It's full of #lies, #misinformation, #disinformation, #pornography(not just #adultporn), #animalcruelty #pedophilia, #animalabuse, #childabuse, and a bunch of other #shit. #Facebook(#Meta) is even allowing ACTUAL #pedophiles, #animalabusers, #hackers, #scammers, #and #other #creeps on the #platform!
Facebook(Meta) does not care about users' #privacy
#DeleteFacebook. #DeleteMeta #MarkZuckerbergSucks #MarkZuckerbergLies
#markzuckerberglies #markzuckerbergsucks #DeleteMeta #Privacy #platform #creeps #other #and #scammers #Hackers #animalabusers #pedophiles #Meta #Facebook #shit #childabuse #animalabuse #pedophilia #animalcruelty #adultporn #pornography #Disinformation #misinformation #lies #DeleteFacebook
Please #deletefacebook, NOW!
It's full of #lies, #misinformation, #disinformation, #pornography(not just #adult porn), #animal #cruelty #pedophilia, #animal #abuse, #child #abuse, and a bunch of other #shit. #Facebook(#Meta) is even allowing ACTUAL #pedophiles, #animal #abusers, #hackers, #scammers, #and #other #creeps on the #platform!
Facebook(Meta) does not care about users' #privacy
#DeleteFacebook. #DeleteMeta #MarkZuckerbergSucks #MarkZuckerbergLies
#markzuckerberglies #markzuckerbergsucks #DeleteMeta #Privacy #platform #creeps #other #and #scammers #Hackers #abusers #pedophiles #Meta #Facebook #shit #child #abuse #pedophilia #cruelty #animal #adult #pornography #Disinformation #misinformation #lies #DeleteFacebook
I do not want to #describe what #Facebook(#Meta) #CEO #MarkZuckerberg allows on #his #platform. All I can say is that it involves #children #and #animals. #DeleteFacebook #DeleteMeta
#DeleteMeta #DeleteFacebook #Animals #and #children #platform #his #markzuckerberg #ceo #Meta #Facebook #describe