RT @denmarkinkenya: Pol candidates @EstherPassaris @hon_wamuchomba & Hon #MillieOdhiambo share personal testimonies on #OnlineGBV at our #DeleteOnlineGBVke event MONDAY
Join as we discuss how to end online harassment of female politicians & how to be #saferonline
Sign up: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_muD2mIJ2T92q3QmxuIOkeA
#MillieOdhiambo #onlineGBV #DeleteOnlineGBVKe #saferonline
RT @denmarkinkenya: As #2022election campaigning in 🇰🇪 intensify, we put a spotlight on how #onlineGBV discourages full & equal participation of women political candidates & ultimately threatens democracy
Join us May 2⃣3⃣ 2-6PM to debate how we can #DeleteOnlineGBVKe
#2022election #onlineGBV #DeleteOnlineGBVKe #techfordemocracy #HeshimuDada