heise online · @heiseonline
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c't 3003: Gebrauchte Thin-Clients im Test

Thin-Client statt Raspberry Pi: Klein-PCs sind für viele Aufgaben besser geeignet. c't 3003 hat gebrauchte Thin-Clients ab 30 Euro getestet.


#dell #DellWyseThin #hardware #hewlettpackard #linuxundopensource #nas #plex #raspberrypi #thinclient #ubuntu #ct3003

Last updated 2 years ago

Paper Tape :ms_meat_drumstick: · @papertape
39 followers · 164 posts · Server tech.lgbt

@zrail I am quite a fan of the boxes. The performance is same or better than a .

They have many ports suitable for an external USB drive.

The only down sides are power consumption & weight & size compared to a RPi.

I get them from woot.com as they are an easy return if there is a problem.

Maybe cheaper from eBay.com etc.

#DellWyseThin #rpi4 #usb3 #woot #ebay

Last updated 2 years ago