Wir haben aktuell #DeltaGreen EXTREMOPHILA beendet (Spielbericht folgt noch) und werden uns noch mindestens Ex Oblivione widmen, bevor es in die Impossible Landscapes geht.
Mittlerweile findet man auf dem #DeltaGreenRPG Reddit Kanal sehr viele tolle Handouts zu fast allen Szenarien. Wer es noch nicht kennt, sollte da unbedingt mal vorbeischauen.
#deltagreen #DeltaGreenRPG #pnpde #handler #tip
Set up a scenario for my players last night and made myself cry. Everything that happened -- giving a seemingly immortal dog rescued 20 years ago from a haunted apartment building to a sad and lonely guy trapped in a purgatorial hotel -- was exactly what I set up and followed from the choices that I had hoped they'd make.
And yet when the time came I was wrecked by the bittersweet dog feelings. Just obliterated. #DeltaGreenRPG