RT @Eurosurveillanc: Our new issue is available
Topics include
#mokeypox #MPX #MPXV
#AntimicrobialResistance #EAAD #AMR #WAAW2022
#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #Omicron #DeltaVariant #PublicHealth #PCR
#mokeypox #MPX #MPXV #AntimicrobialResistance #EAAD #AMR #WAAW2022 #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #omicron #DeltaVariant #publichealth #pcr
> #RichNations.. hoarded vaccines for many months, and the consequences are now visible.. - recent data show that more than 1 billion #Covid vaccine jabs have been wasted. Millions of lives could have been saved, if these doses had been shared last year, when the #DeltaVariant killed millions of people. I cannot forget the ferocity and brutality of the Delta surge that killed millions in #India last year. India was a dire warning to the world and we ignored the warning.
#india #DeltaVariant #covid #RichNations
Varianti di varianti #covid
RT @InvariantPersp1@twitter.com
#coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #Omicron #DeltaVariant 😷 https://twitter.com/Empress22223/status/1501872505971167239
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/InvariantPersp1/status/1501874130546692097
#DeltaVariant #omicron #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #Coronavirus #COVID
RT @SlyngCartoons@twitter.com
Don’t know about you but I’d rather have the suit of armor. #GetVaccinated #COVID #COVIDIOT #CovidVaccine #GetTheShot #VaccinesWork #VaccinesSaveLives #DeltaVariant #vaccinated
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SlyngCartoons/status/1426028092552798211
#vaccinated #DeltaVariant #vaccinessavelives #vaccineswork #GetTheShot #covidvaccine #COVIDIOT #covid #getvaccinated
On the face of it, it seems that we have been fortunate with the #OmicronVariant of the #Coronavirus in that it seems to be less lethal than the last major one, the #DeltaVariant. However, the more it is allowed to circulate amongst the population, particularly the unvaccinated, the more generations it will go through and the more chances it will get to mutate into a form which both evade contemporary treatments and is more deadly.
#OmicronVariant #coronavirus #DeltaVariant
RT @ozgyaln@twitter.com
#SARSCoV2 #OmicronVariant replicates much better than #DeltaVariant in bronchus, but not in lung https://twitter.com/world_epidemic/status/1471042502333702147
#DeltaVariant #OmicronVariant #SarsCoV2
With the #COVID19 #DeltaVariant widespread in #Singapore, it probably doesn't make as much sense to distance them from the general population any more.
"From Oct 30, up to 3,000 vaccinated migrant workers will be able to visit Little India and Geylang Serai per week, for up to eight hours per visit, the ministry said."
#COVID19 #DeltaVariant #singapore #migrantworkers #society #community
After baiting millions of people into getting jabbed on the promise that life would return back to “normal” if they did, the CDC now admits that being “fully vaccinated” does not actually fight the “#DeltaVariant,” WHICH THE VACCINES GAVE THE VACCINATED, but instead contributes to more infections. Because of this, the CDC now wants all injected people to put back on their masks just like before they were vaccinated.
I've been waiting for this to pop up as a talking point. Personally, I'd like to avoid becoming infected, but then again if it's to happen anyway I should probably pick my time relative to a possible booster injection and so on...
#voc #DeltaVariant #delta #COVID19 #coronavirus
Jason Kenney gives anti-vaxxers a reward and his future a fatal dose https://bit.ly/38NDPqC #COVIDCanada #JasonKenney #COVID19 #DeltaVariant #AntiVaxxers #Coronavirus #BioTerrorism #abpoli #cdnpoli
#COVIDCanada #JasonKenney #COVID19 #DeltaVariant #antivaxxers #coronavirus #bioterrorism #abpoli #cdnpoli
RT @herbstzeit2018@twitter.com
#Wissenschaftler Florian Aigner ging noch weiter: „Man muss es ganz hart sagen: Solche Filme #kostenMenschenleben. Wer bei solchen Filmen mitmacht, macht sich schuldig.“
#TilSchweiger #NinaProll #MiriamStein #SchwereSchuld #DeltaVariant
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/herbstzeit2018/status/1434889889066201092
#DeltaVariant #SchwereSchuld #MiriamStein #NinaProll #TilSchweiger #kostenMenschenleben #wissenschaftler
RT @DrEricDing@twitter.com
⚠️Unvaccinated schoolteacher with #DeltaVariant spread the coronavirus to half of the students in a classroom, just briefly without a mask—triggering an outbreak that infected 26 people, says a new CDC report. ➡️Mandate teacher vaccinations now!🧵 #COVID19
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1432369951113981954
📍Breaking—Fears growing that a new #DeltaVariant subvariant has emerged after 5000 young people infected from attending a 53,000 music festival in Cornwall—linked genetically to a Delta subtype. The region now has the highest #COVID19 rate in England. 🧵
RT @RabbiJill
Thread. Moral of the story: we are not out of the woods. Mask up even outside if you’re around others. #DeltaVariant is not playing around https://twitter.com/drmeowza/status/1429221776270135296
Mon niveau 3 de critique à l'endroit de #BlanquerDemission risque d'être celui de l'insulte. Je m'abstiendrai donc et serrerai les dents.
La situation épidémique actuelle imposerait, au bas mot, le niveau 3 de ce protocole tout moisi.
#ecoles #COVID19France #DeltaVariant
RT @DgCostagliola@twitter.com
Avec ces taux d'incidence chez les 0-19 ans en PACA, la rentrée se fera au niveau 2, vraiment ?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DgCostagliola/status/1429376373404094465
#DeltaVariant #COVID19france #ecoles #blanquerdemission
Herhaling: #CORONA IS NIET OVER!!!
Luister dan ook naar Lenny! IT AIN'T OVER 'TILL IT'S OVER!!!
#covid #lambda #delta #DeltaVariant #corona
BIG #fail #GroenLinks!
RT @groenlinksrdam@twitter.com
Kunst verrijkt het leven! ❤️ Maar clubs, concertzalen en grote theaters zijn al 1,5 jaar dicht. Dat moet zo snel mogelijk veranderen. Want iedereen heeft recht op de kunstvorm die bij hem past. 🔊🖼️🎭🕺🏾
Geweldig dat er zo'n mooie opkomst is bij #UnMuteUs
#UnMuteUs #DeltaVariant #corona #groenlinks #fail
RT @Minimaliste13@twitter.com
À quoi ressemble la médecine en crise Covid, une histoire.
La femme d'un collègue est venue en mission en Polynésie française il y a quelques mois. Elle est psychiatre. Depuis quelques semaines, l'épidémie de #DeltaVariant y fait rage, avec une incidence à des niveaux inouïs.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Minimaliste13/status/1428537121485168650
RT @DrEricDing@twitter.com
😢Four children are now orphans after their mom & dad refused to get vaccinated and both died of #COVID19 within days of each other. The mom’s final wish before getting intubated—“Make sure my kids get vaccinated.” Another Texas tragedy from #DeltaVariant.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1428328493713084423