@ramonita that's because we're ruled by antisocial #Wankers that take pride in comitting #democide by inaction and refusing to enforce basic, fact-based quarantine regulations.
We could've gotten rid of this shit if we took it as serious as said #SARS infection it really is.
Instead assholed destroyed the few pandemic and epidemic protections that were codified.
And I've completely run out of spoons at this point!
#KeepMasksOn #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #sars #Democide #wankers
@ceracole that is intentional!
They got away with #democide by #inaction ( see 'rona #pandemic: #CovidIsNotOver ) and thus have neither incentive nor threat of #consequences to do anything!
#whatyouallowiswhatwillcontinue #consequences #CovidIsNotOver #Pandemic #inaction #Democide
@DrALJONES Basically that's an admission of #Democide commited by the Government of the #USA...
@catladyactivist @Charlotteshhhh
But yeah at this point it's just Gaslighting by politicians if not open #Genocide and #Democide by them!
@JMo Exactly!
Forced sepearion of children is literally classified as #democide and #genocide in #Germany for that very reason!
The silence of @AuswaertigesAmt is just flabberghasting!!
I really hope some affected parents and/or kids make it over here, press charges and claim asylum so that this injustice has to be acknowledged.
#NotLegalAdvice but I'd gladly recommend a spechalized lawyer on that matter:
#notlegaladvice #Germany #genocide #Democide
@SteveBologna yeah, he's the kind of person that should be charged with #Genocide and #Democide if he'd ever get his ass over this side of the Atlantic...
@transworld the problem is that noone will face actual #consequences for this (attemped if not partial) #genocide & #democide.
Those that voted for the ban, enacted and enforced it should rot in pieces in a 6'x6'x6' cell for the rest of their pityful existance because anything else would be too mercyful!
#Democide #genocide #consequences
@realTuckFrumper #Sanctions alone won't be enough.
#DeSantis and all facist goons who support him should be charged for #democide and #genocide against #trans people!
#Trans #genocide #Democide #desantis #sanctions
@IAmDannyBoling This form of #democide and #genocide must be investigated, prosecuted and punished as the literal crime against humanity it is.
And I don't just mean the people "following orders" or "exercising their rights [to discriminate]" but everyone who pushed, signed and voted for this shit!
@jessdkant It's literally #democide and #genocide like the Nazis pursued during 1933-1939...
@sara IMHO outpricing #Insulin should be classified as #genocide & #democide as well as penalized like #MassMurder.
Because there is no reason for Insulin to be so abdurdly expensive in the #USA but #greed.
#greed #USA #massmurder #Democide #genocide #insulin
@hfentonmudd sadly it doesn't make any sense unless we come to the conclusion that #democide via #pandemic is not an accident, but intentional!
@Susan_Larson_TN I think they should be outlawed as a terrorist org since they support #genocide [or rather #democide since most of the affected #trans people due to #TransgenderBan are U.S. citizens]...
#transgenderban #Trans #Democide #genocide
@kadamssl this is intentional, cuz otherwise we'd have an unignoreable mountain of evicende that 'Rona - regardless in #LongCovid or #Covid [reinfection] is far more #lethal long-term than the initial cases show.
It's what I call #LyingWithNumbers, basically to make the line go down just so that politicians can normalize #democide & #genocide through inaction.
#genocide #Democide #LyingWithNumbers #lethal #COVID #LongCovid
@jennimcmurray BTW: That would literally qualify as #genocide (or rather #democide) according to German law.
As per ยง6 Section 3 (forcing a group under unlivable conditions designed to eradicate it in part or whole) and ยง6 Section 5 (forcibly removing a child).
At this point I'm repeatedly asking @AuswaertigesAmt & @bamf to acknowledge this as political prosecution as per Article 16a Section 1 GG:
#TheyLiedTheyLiedTHEYLIED #EnoughIsEnough #BrexitLies #ConservativesLies #YouFellForIt #YouAreTheSheep #YouLetItHappen #RejoinEU #PrivateSchoolPigs #CostOfLivingCrisis #CovidIsNotOver #Democide #DEMOCIDE #WakeUpBritain #FollowBackFriday #SaveOurNHS #NHSFairPay
#theyliedtheyliedtheylied #EnoughIsEnough #BrexitLies #conservativeslies #youfellforit #youarethesheep #youletithappen #RejoinEU #privateschoolpigs #Costoflivingcrisis #CovidIsNotOver #Democide #wakeupbritain #followbackfriday #SaveOurNHS #nhsfairpay #peoplehavedied #toriesmurder