Please follow Voice of America chief national correspondent Steve Herman @w7voa. Steve was permanently suspended from the birdsite for factual reporting. Good journalism that holds power to account is essential for democracy to thrive. Please support him and other journalists on Mastodon. #JournalismIsNotaACrime #FreePress #PressFreedom #DemocracyOutLoud #Fa #DemocracyDiesInDarkness
#DemocracyDiesInDarkness #fa #democracyoutloud #pressfreedom #freepress #journalismisnotaacrime
#intropost #introduction
Permaculture gardener, naturalist, Northern New Englander, interested in health and medical research, train travel, insects, bulldogs, preserving democracy. Yearning for the ocean, beach, saltmarshes.
#permaculture #garden #medicalresearch #covid #longcovid #plantID #insectID #newhampshire #nature #DemocracyDiesInDarkness
Blogging at
#DemocracyDiesInDarkness #nature #newhampshire #insectid #plantid #LongCovid #covid #medicalresearch #garden #permaculture #introduction #intropost
#thewashingtonpost continues to not fact-check its #bothsides #opinionpieces:
To wit: #jasonwillick (who, Nov29, twits that he is “bullish on DeSantis”)
“Attacks on the legitimacy of the U.S. electoral system tend to come from the most disreputable and ill-informed voices in conservatism and from the most highly-esteemed and knowledgeable authorities in liberalism.”
#DemocracyDiesInDarkness #jasonwillick #opinionpieces #bothsides #thewashingtonpost
Louis Rossmann - Facebook says I'm abusive content (ASUS, are you kidding?):
#Censorship #Censorship2021 #BigTech #Facebook #CommunityStandards #DemocracyDiesInDarkness #ExposeFacebook #ASUS #RightToRepair #MagnusonMoss #MagnusonMossWarrantyAct #Warranty
#Warranty #MagnusonMossWarrantyAct #MagnusonMoss #righttorepair #asus #ExposeFacebook #DemocracyDiesInDarkness #communitystandards #facebook #BigTech #censorship2021 #Censorship