RT @Ferreras_Isa: @Jude_KD @industriAll_EU @a_jongerius @Kira_MPH @JytteGuteland @TeamWoelken @berndlange @HelmutScholzMEP @ClaudeTurmes @miapetrakumpula @msaraswati @RadtkeMdEP Very inspiring Manifesto by @industriAll_EU! Important developments toward #DemocratizingWork:
at the level of democracy within firms, and a #JobGuarantee to reshape the dynamics of labor market.
Thanks for your leadership @industriAll_EU for both the people a…
#DemocratizingWork #JobGuarantee
RT @Ferreras_Isa@twitter.com
Le monopole des droits de gouverner accordé aux actionnaires est extractif v/v de la planète et des humains.
Le top management des entreprises doit répondre à ses investisseurs en travail.
#DemocratizingWork #ManifesteTravail
Merci @oxfamfrance@twitter.com @CecileDuflot@twitter.com https://twitter.com/oxfamfrance/status/1386938834022195201
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Ferreras_Isa/status/1389125808288059396
#factchecking #ManifesteTravail #DemocratizingWork