Kotaku: Troubled Vampire RPG Gets New Devs, Gameplay Changes, And 2024 Release https://kotaku.com/vampire-masquerade-bloodlines-2-new-release-date-1850804491?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #vampirethemasquerade #technologyinternet #paradoxinteractive #worldofdarkness #windowsgames #alexskidmore #brianmitsoda #demonssouls #seangreaney #bloodlines #videogames #esther #gamer #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #vampirethemasquerade #technologyinternet #paradoxinteractive #worldofdarkness #windowsgames #alexskidmore #brianmitsoda #DemonsSouls #seangreaney #bloodlines #videogames #esther #gamer #rpg
Kotaku: September Is A Huge Month For Game Pass https://kotaku.com/starfield-game-pass-xbox-lies-of-p-best-soulslike-pc-1850804480?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #drafttheelderscrollsvi #homevideogameconsoles #technologyinternet #callofthewild #xboxgamepass #windowsgames #leviwinslow #demonssouls #neowizgames #ethangach #pinocchio #starfield #microsoft #liesofp #xboxone #kotaku #xbox #rei
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #drafttheelderscrollsvi #homevideogameconsoles #technologyinternet #callofthewild #xboxgamepass #windowsgames #leviwinslow #DemonsSouls #neowizgames #ethangach #pinocchio #starfield #microsoft #LiesofP #xboxone #xbox #rei
Unravel the mysteries of #DemonsSouls like never before in "Demonic Archive: The Mythology of Demon's Souls." 🎮
This is easily most exhaustive dissection of Demon's Souls' lore in existence.
#GamingLore #VideoGameMyths #GamingInsights #SoulSaga #TuneAndFairweather #GamerKnowledge #VideoGameMysteries #VideoGames #Gaming #Gamer #Games #DarkSouls #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #DemonsSoulsBook #GameLoreAnalysis #Mythology #SoulsBorne #GamerWisdom
#gamerwisdom #soulsborne #mythology #gameloreanalysis #demonssoulsbook #bookstodon #Books #book #darksouls #Games #gamer #Gaming #videogames #videogamemysteries #gamerknowledge #tuneandfairweather #soulsaga #gaminginsights #videogamemyths #gaminglore #DemonsSouls
Kotaku: Dark Souls’ Moonlight Greatsword Returns In Armored Core VI https://kotaku.com/armored-core-6-elden-ring-souls-moonlight-greatsword-1850781734?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #thirdpersonshooters #bandainamcogames #metalwolfchaos #humaninterest #windowsgames #fromsoftware #armoredcore #demonssouls #bloodborne #darksouls #eldenring #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #thirdpersonshooters #bandainamcogames #metalwolfchaos #humaninterest #windowsgames #FromSoftware #armoredcore #DemonsSouls #Bloodborne #darksouls #eldenring #rpg
Kotaku: Lords Of The Fallen Reboot Is Sounding Like A Solid Soulslike https://kotaku.com/lords-fallen-preview-fromsoftware-dark-souls-elden-ring-1850730419 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #actionroleplayinggame #lordsofthefallen #bandainamcogames #magetheascension #windowsgames #demonssouls #soulslike #darksouls #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #actionroleplayinggame #lordsofthefallen #bandainamcogames #magetheascension #windowsgames #DemonsSouls #soulslike #darksouls #rpg
Der Tag kann nur gut werden, gerade angekommen 🥰 gleich mal auflegen 🤗 #DemonsSouls #vinyl
Kotaku: New Elden Ring Patch Makes Backstabs More Powerful https://kotaku.com/elden-ring-update-1-10-patch-notes-backstab-weapons-pc-1850682273 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #roleplayinggameterminology #playerversusplayer #bandainamcogames #windowsgames #criticalhit #demonssouls #eldenring #sports #patch
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #roleplayinggameterminology #playerversusplayer #bandainamcogames #windowsgames #criticalhit #DemonsSouls #eldenring #sports #Patch
#PS5 exclusive #DemonsSouls 2020 gameplay mechanics are a bit more stable and less janky than its #PS3 2009 version. There are beautiful graphics and Legend of Zelda-ish grunts, but oh boy, do I miss those virtual instruments soundtrack that reassured you that it's only a game.
Kotaku: It Looks Like Armored Core VI Will Have Six-Player Multiplayer https://kotaku.com/multiplayer-armored-core-6-release-date-ps5-trailer-1850670269 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #thirdpersonshooters #bandainamcogames #fromsoftware #armoredcore4 #armoredcore3 #armoredcore #demonssouls #eldenring #ethangach #darksouls #sports
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #thirdpersonshooters #bandainamcogames #FromSoftware #armoredcore4 #armoredcore3 #armoredcore #DemonsSouls #eldenring #ethangach #darksouls #sports
Honorable mention for #VGMWednesday is the Tower Knight's theme from the original Demon's Souls.
I used this track as a generic battle theme in my Curse of Strahd game a few years back and I think I can still trigger anxiety in my players just by saying "Ha Haha Ha Ha!"
#curseofstrahd #DND #DemonsSouls #videogamevocals #vgmwednesday
Demon’s Souls PS5. No spoilers ahead.
Managed to dispose of the Phalanx. Good fun. Quite straight forward.
The game play *is* different to Elden Ring, but still very similar. No jumping attacks, for example.
Feel like I am learning a few things that I never used in Elden Ring; parrying & running around an engaged enemy to perform a back stab. For some reason, these two moves feel more accessible in this Demon’s Souls.
#DemonsSouls #soulslike #eldenring #gaming
Tonight might be the night to finally start Demon’s Souls in PS5.
#gaming #soulslike #DemonsSouls
#gaming #soulslike #DemonsSouls
Finishing #demonssouls was easy and hard at the same time. Yeah i cheesed finall boss with poison cloud :D PS5 remaster was awesome!
Oh yes! That’ll be #DemonsSouls finished.
60ish hours. Probably slow for a first playthrough but I loved almost every minute. The Ritual Path and the swamp were testers more than any boss! What an incredible game and staggeringly beautiful remake.
Roll on #EldenRing dlc now.
Or maybe I should give #DarkSouls3 a go?
I think some time needs to pass before that.
A palate cleanser will be needed…
#videogame #gaming #ps5 #darksouls3 #EldenRing #DemonsSouls
Yup The Swamp of Sorrow in #DemonsSouls was every bit the giant Glastonbury toilet I had feared.
I feel like I need a shower for just getting through it. Getting bogged down and wading through Lord alone knows what was a repellent activity and the whole place should be drained and torched. Hideous stuff.
Well played From and Bluepoint. Well played…
#videogame #gaming #ps5 #DemonsSouls
I have to be honest, I don’t think the Valley of Defilement Tourist Board are really selling this to me…
#Demonssouls #Gaming #PS5 #VideoGame
#videogame #ps5 #gaming #DemonsSouls
Clearly the way to finally beat a #Demonssouls level is to come on Mastodon and churlishly berate it and its design and then beat it on your next run.
As always I had everything I needed but was repeatedly doing the same old thing and not thinking the level through.
May Miyazaki forgive me. Ahem.
#videogame #gaming #ps5 #DemonsSouls
The Ritual Path in #Demonssouls is starting to make me despise the game. It’s the first real sticking point and it reminds me of why I bounced off From games in the past. It’s just such a tedious level to have to traverse top to bottom.
Compared to the other levels with have been hard but fair this feels poorly conceived and executed.
Check out the debut LP of my #DemonsSouls cover band!
#PS5 #ShareYourGames
#shareyourgames #ps5 #DemonsSouls
No good deed… The Sauron helmet should have tipped me off when I rescued this fanny, but still… damn. #DemonsSouls #PS5 #ShareYourGame
#shareyourgame #ps5 #DemonsSouls