Depeche Mode: cantos de cisne y unicornios negros:
Visto en llámalo equis: los logos de Depeche Mode a través del tiempo.
Takový to, když hraješ tenhle song na koncertech už přes čtyřicet let. 🎸🎤🎹🎷 #DepecheMode
CBS Sunday Morning realiza esta mini historia de Depeche Mode con retazos de entrevista actual:
Aquí otro trocito hablando de sonidos:
Anyway, speaking of that #DepecheMode show, what did I grab to wear today quite honestly just because it came through the rotation again? What can I say, I like these guys. Hope you enjoyed the thread! #music
And when I saw #DepecheMode again this year for something like the tenth time, and of course the first since #Fletch's passing, I wrote this for the Patreon: #music
But besides #TheQuietus I've published a few more specific things. One was last year at #Pitchfork, looking back at _Ultra_ after 25 years. What an album, then and now #DepecheMode #music
#TheQuietus #Pitchfork #DepecheMode #music
Then later that year was a discussion with #DaveGahan about his second album with #Soulsavers (and those albums in general remain underrated, if you ask me). #DepecheMode #music
#davegahan #soulsavers #DepecheMode #music
Now, I've never interviewed the members of #DepecheMode directly ABOUT Depeche...but in 2015 I did talk to two about their solo work! First up was a chat with #MartinGore
#AntonCorbijn of course has been part of #DepecheMode as their visual main guy for decades now, and his photo collection published by #Taschen is a remarkable documentation of it all through _Spirit_ -- and I very much had some thoughts. #music
#antoncorbijn #DepecheMode #taschen #music
That said of course MFTM is immortalized in a very particular way thanks to #DAPennebaker and team's still remarkable and underrated concert film _101_, which I revisited, and offered some larger observations on, the other year for its rerelease. #DepecheMode #music
#dapennebaker #DepecheMode #music
So a while back I also did a piece on the subsequent album, #SomeGreatReward. The two are very much connected, not of a piece, but one absolutely proceeds from the other (and #PeopleArePeople, whatever you think of the lyrics, is a slamming composition still). #DepecheMode #music
#somegreatreward #peoplearepeople #DepecheMode #music
So hey! I'd like to thank everyone for the kind comments yesterday about my #DepecheMode anniversary piece on #ConstructionTimeAgain in #TheQuietus -- much appreciated indeed. Relinking here but also what I'd like to do is start up a thread of my other DM pieces in recent years -- almost, but not all, for tQ. You might like those as well! #music
#DepecheMode #constructiontimeagain #TheQuietus #music
My latest piece for #TheQuietus is live! Looking back on the album that, forty years ago, didn't invent industrial #music, no, but it sure as hell invented industrial pop. Happy anniversary, #ConstructionTimeAgain by #DepecheMode.
#TheQuietus #music #constructiontimeagain #DepecheMode
I am in love with this Pêche Mode (“just can’t get enough”) peach cobbler sour (lactic acid, bready finish, a true sour in the gruyt mode) from big-small craft brewers Off the Rail Brewing Co. We are so lucky to have them—owned by a guy who used to co-own the best live music club in town—and their dog-friendly patio in the neighbourhood! #beer #craftbrew #DepecheMode #GenX
#beer #craftbrew #DepecheMode #genx
See the stars, they're shining bright
Everything's alright tonight🎵
pitäisköhän mennä kuunteleen jostain aidan raosta?
jos olis kaveri nii voisin varmaan mennä sisällekin asti...
hmm vai oliko dave gahan niit muusikkoja joiden ääni ei enää kestä livekeikkoja? vai onko vain syventynyt ja parantunut. jos näät tän postauksen ja tiiät jotain nii kerro!
depeche moden ultra oli yks ensimmäisiä
cd-levyjä jonka ostin, samalla kertaa taisin ostaa rem: new adventures in hi-fi.
#helsinki #DepecheMode #keikat
Told You So. Osmdesátejtřetí byl fajnovej rok. #DepecheMode