Memory_Lane | #International_Tech_News |
#Why #Big_Tech #Deplatforming Should Be #Deeply_Disturbing..
The #Problem, as #clearly_stated by #Bruno_Le_Maire, the #French_Minister of #Economy, is that when it comes to Big Tech???
“The #regulation of the digital world cannot be done by the #digital_oligarchy.” Updated Feb. 22, 2021
Unfortunately, the tech giants have increasingly captured the #regulators and #politicians who are supposed to be representing the best #INTERESTS_OF_THE_PEOPLE??
#Absent ANY #Regulation, #Facebook to launch a new cryptocurrency, #Google moving into #wearable_smart_devices, #Apple taking_on #health_care, and #Amazon is attempting to #wring_dollars out of the last few #brick_and_mortar_shops..
Any #competitor standing in their way faces getting #bought_out, #deplatformed, or #chased_out of the #market by #PREDATORY #pricing.
This #CORRUPTION is Present on Both Sides of the #Political Spectrum. #Renata_Hesse, is a former lawyer who has advised Google and #Amazon and whose #husbands_firm still #works for #Google.
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #why #big_tech #Deplatforming #Deeply_Disturbing #problem #clearly_stated #Bruno_Le_Maire #French_Minister #economy #regulation #digital_oligarchy #regulators #politicians #INTERESTS_OF_THE_PEOPLE #Absent #facebook #google #wearable_smart_devices #Apple #health_care #Amazon #wring_dollars #brick_and_mortar_shops #competitor #bought_out #deplatformed #chased_out #market #PREDATORY #pricing #corruption #Political #Renata_Hesse #husbands_firm #works
Here's some information from the Nitter link by @WPalant that @kubikpixel posted above.
The fascist in question goes by the name "Jeff". He's the main developer of "Loki" -- the #blockchain-based network on which the #session messenger is based.
The foundation for which he works gave an official statement that (1) condemns his behaviour, but (2) apologises since he is neurodivergent (!), (3) they are positive that Jeff will "change his behavior".
Whether Session and the foundation ("Oxen Privacy Tech Foundation") that builds this #messenger and the Loki network is fascist filth, is up to interpretation.
- Their reaction (see below in thread) is far from ideal (neuro-divergence is of course no excuse to be a fascist!)
- They probably lied about Jeff not using 8chan or similar hateful forums
- they even hosted 8chan for a while
- Apparently they don't attempt to block fascists from session and thus give a platform to #nazis and the #altRight
#antifaRecherche #deplatforming #altRight #session #messenger
#blockchain #session #messenger #nazis #altright #AntifaRecherche #Deplatforming
@aral is used as a "#freeSpeech" place for right-wing extremists.
"On May 14, 2021, The Guardian reported that LBRY executive Julian Chandra wrote to Odysee site moderators that a "Nazi that makes videos about the superiority of the white race" was not grounds for removal from Odysee. The email was accidentally sent to a user who had complained about neo-Nazi content on the platform.[16]"
#freespeech #Deplatforming #crapto