I’m looking at women for the first time in two months and thinking, damn I would **actually** like to fuck you. I hereby declare this episode of #anxiety and #depression over.
The world is grappling with a mental health crisis. In Europe, antidepressant consumption has more than doubled in the last 20 years.
Use of antidepressants increased by nearly two and a half times from 2000 to 2020 in 18 European countries, according to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) data.
Which country uses the most antidepressants?
#mentalhealth #Depression #antidepressants #Europe
A well-known Croatian journalist announced the publication of his book where he describes his decades long life with #depression. Unfortunately, in #Croatia, this is still a #tabu in public discourse, and even worse, it's a non-existent theme in public health discourse, too. The awful comments I've been reading these past few days online make me sad and feeling hopeless for our society. All I can say to those people is count yourselves lucky if you don't know what life with depression is.
It is five years today since my last drink. #teetotal #sober #alcoholfree #depression #anxiety.
I reflected on this hugely-positive change in my life in a blog post on the fourth anniversary of being #alcoholfree / #sober last year: https://www.amjcounselling.com/amj-blog/four-years-alcohol-free.
#anxiety #Depression #alcoholfree #sober #teetotal
The sicker I get (#anxiety and #depression), the more I hide away and the less I open up about my problems… and without talking them through, they get worse. Once the paranoia starts creeping in, I know I’m really in trouble. I start thinking that work colleagues are out to get me, manoeuvring to get rid of me. I feel overwhelmed and exhausted and can’t actually do anything productive. Decision making and clear thinking is out of reach. I’m starting to pull out of it though. #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #Depression #anxiety
A year ago today, I experienced the low point of an ongoing mental health crisis. With encouragement from family and friends, I got a therapist and got on medication to help me, and I'm doing a lot better now. I know that I have the privilege of a job that covers mental health benefits and not everyone has that, but help is available. If you need help for your mental health, please reach out to ask. #MentalHeath #MentalHeathAwareness #Anxiety #Depression
#Depression #anxiety #mentalheathawareness #mentalheath
Sommer 2023 (Symbolbild) oder auch »Du siehst aus wie ich mich fühle«
#kaputt #Eis #DuSiehstAusWieIchMichFühle #NotJustSad #Depression
#Depression #notjustsad #dusiehstauswieichmichfuhle #eis #kaputt
My #SAD is really kicking in - back end of August, like clockwork. I’ve stopped exercising, gained weight and mostly just want to sleep. Social interactions are starting to feel difficult. #Depression and #anxiety are gradually ramping up. Think I’ll increase my antidepressant. Need to eat more healthily and cut out alcohol again too. Must also drag myself to the pool for exercise. Poor #mentalhealth sucks.
#mentalhealth #anxiety #Depression #sad
I’ve entered a phase where I have very little to say / toot - a minor depressive slump. I had an #anxiety dream for the first time in ages last night - a recurring one about not being remotely prepped for a university exam (history on this occasion), then being too late for the exam after catching the wrong bus. It’s because I’m out of my normal routine. I’ve been away for near all of August, been eating poorly and barely exercising. Home and back to normal next week. #depression #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #Depression #anxiety
Gerade hat mir die 4. Therapeutin abgesagt. Eigentlich bereits Nummer 5, wenn man die mitzählt, die mehrfach gesagt hat »versuchen Sie es erstmal bei den Kollegen«.
Nichts Warteliste, einfach nö.
Sie nähme nur noch »Ü60« auf. Danke für gar nichts.
#Depression #NotJustSad #FtEuchDochAlle
#fteuchdochalle #notjustsad #Depression
Gerade hat mir die 4. Therapeutin abgesagt. Eigentlich bereits Nummer 5, wenn man die mitzählt, die mehrfach gesagt hat »verdzchen Sie es erstmal bei den Kollegen«.
Nichts Warteliste, einfach nö.
Sie nähme nur noch »Ü60« auf. Danke für gar nichts.
#Depression #NotJustSad #FtEuchDochAlle
#fteuchdochalle #notjustsad #Depression
Hello, ich bin schon ein Dreivierteljahr #NeuHier und suche nach freundlichen Kontakten und erbaulichem Austausch. Lieber #Bloomscrolling als #doomscrolling , meine #Depression macht mir schon ausreichend schlechte Gefühle.
Das bin ich auch:
* Künstlerin im Larvenstadium
* Erfreut an #Natur, #Kunst, #Eskapismus #CatContent
* Gefühlt oft wie vom anderen Stern
* Wolkenkuckerin
#catcontent #Eskapismus #kunst #Natur #Depression #doomscrolling #Bloomscrolling #Neuhier
Hello, ich bin schon ein Dreivierteljahr #NeuHier und suche nach freundlichen Kontakten und erbaulichem Austausch. Lieber #Bloomscrolling als #doomscrolling , meine #Depression macht mir schon ausreichend schlechte Gefühle.
Das bin ich auch:
* Künstlerin im Larvenstadium
* Erfreut an Natur, Kunst, Eskapismus, Catcontent
* Gefühlt oft wie vom anderen Stern
* Wolkenkuckerin
#Depression #doomscrolling #Bloomscrolling #Neuhier
During the darkest period of my life, even holidays were horrific. I had this strong visualisation that I was attached to my normal life via an elastic band. As I traveled out, the band would stretch and become taut. That tautness weighed on me throughout the break, preventing me from escaping the misery of day to day life. As the end day drew near, the band would reel me in, back to the misery. I could never get away from it, even if I traveled to the opposite ends of the earth. #depression
My sister is having a difficult time recovering from knee surgery on 7/20. Been back to the hospital twice. She eats, she gets sick. It's like all the meds they gave her did a real number on her GI tract. She doesn't want to eat at all. Can barely get a protein shake down. I think some is psychological because of how sick she got, she's afraid to eat. But I'm worried. She's 67 and for the first time in her life, she's starting to look like it. How to get her out of this depression?
Nothing quite like lying in bed wide awake ruminating about the toxic job I left over 3 years ago. It’s just so frustrating.
#Depression #Trauma #ToxicJob
Gen Z’s mental health is increasingly seen as at crisis levels. Nearly all indicators of poor mental health among high schoolers increased from 2011 to 2021, according to a Center for Disease Control youth risk behavior report, while a McKinsey & Co. Inc. survey found Gen Z had the “least positive” life outlook.
The Sunday night Monday morning Fred is setting in.
This couldn't be more true.
I'm tired of trying. 😢 I'm at war with my own brain on an hourly basis. Even the things I love become corrupted by mania or depression. I keep finding myself staring off into space. Lost. All I want is to curl up in a ball in a dark corner and fall asleep for a few years. But I know I'd wake up with all my problems still here.
#bipolar #Depression